Author Topic: An Evening with Frank Zappa and Jim Croce Holograms  (Read 4467 times)


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 259
An Evening with Frank Zappa and Jim Croce Holograms
« on: July 25, 2019, 12:11:47 PM »
An Evening with Frank Zappa and Jim Croce Holograms
Zappa image:
Croce image:
The Frank Zappa Hologram appears with the Jim Croce Hologram for a one evening event featuring Zappa’s “wittiest satire” and Croce’s saddest songs.  The Zappa-gram begins with his most vitriolic, misogynistic, antisemitic, and racist tunes, including Jewish Princess, Thing Fish (yes, in its entirety), and Joe’s Garage (Acts I, II, aaaaand III! Stay for the homophobia!). The set closes with the Zappa-gram's version of I am the Walrus (, and an all-star ensemble of every musician that he ever screwed over during his career.

Next, the Croce-gram throws down with the most depressing music ever written:

Time in a Bottle (Action Video)

I Got a Name


The encore features the holograms merging together into an indistinguishable “Frank Croce / Jim Zappa Gram” where the duet sings Bad Bad Leroy Brown (

JimZappa-gram’s jangling guitar accompanied by FrankCroce-gram's burp and fart noises are sure to be a crowd pleaser.
No food of any kind will be allowed into the show, as only stale cigarettes and week-old coffee will be sold at a fair(ly high) price.