Author Topic: The Worst Song Ever  (Read 181922 times)

Mr. Colin

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #525 on: April 19, 2012, 03:32:51 AM »
There is no worst.  It gets worse every day.  Hot Problems (official single) - Double Take

daveB from Oakland

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #526 on: April 19, 2012, 07:41:10 AM »

I've seen this around lately, feels like there's a concerted "going viral" campaign behind it. The Rebecca Black thing was an unfortunate accident, from what I understand ... a kid's rich parents got her a birthday present video, and then it became meme madness. But this seems like a deliberate attempt to create something terrible. Not sure how that benefits anybody ... except maybe for the video producers who can put "viral campaign" on their CV.
"He didn't sound like a human when I was talking to him ... he sounded like a shape ... what's that shape of that building ... you know, where the Army lives?" -- Bryce, 11/24/2009

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #527 on: April 19, 2012, 11:14:32 AM »
This might be the worst thing I've ever heard in my life! It could also be Mother 13 come to fruition.

The New Radicals rank as the biggest influence for Boulder-based "MTHDS", combining white-boy rap with some chilled out acoustic bro music. It has also been a long time since a band has so transparently worked on a look in hopes to one day open for an extreme energy drink-sponsored alt-rock radio show. They are so incredibly punchable!

MTHDS "La Sexe" - stripped down session @ the MoBoogie Loft

Today I saw Goatse for the first time and this. This was worse.

You only saw goatse yesterday? In the late 90s I got desensitized to it. Every other link on slashdot went there until they modified the code.

There are so many bad songs it's impossible to pin one down as worst. This thread reminds me of when I worked at Major Telecom. They would send us all kinds of propaganda to get us jazzed about working there or get us to push the services on our friends and family. One day we were sent a song by an exec who did some country-rock on the side. He had written a about how Major Telecom was a great company that was in it to win it and we were survivors. It was called 'We're Still Here', and as a footnote, pretty much everybody I worked with either left voluntarily like myself or were outsourced since then, and Major Telecom got bought by AT&T. It was pretty awful, and it got me wondering how common that sort of thing is. As we saw in 'the Smartest Guys in The Room', companies make all kinds of videos that end up being way funnier unintentionally after the participants commit horrible crimes and screw their employees and others over than they were intended to be. If somebody at JP Morgan Chase could pull off writing a Mit Hamine esque song praising the bank and banking and get that out there to 'reach the young people', that'd be great.


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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #528 on: April 19, 2012, 11:30:58 AM »
I envy you, Weirder Jon.  The early days of the Internet - especially Goatse and Space Moose - put a man through a lot of changes.  I saw an article the other day about how they'd tracked down Goatse.  I think I saw that thing within weeks of it going up.

"Welcome", at this late date, to the People Who Can't Unsee Goatse.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #529 on: April 19, 2012, 12:36:05 PM »
Actually I think the aging process has been kind to me in that goatse has kind of faded from my mind.

dave from knoxville

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #530 on: April 19, 2012, 01:41:09 PM »
Hey, wait a minute, I LIKED that New Radicals record.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #531 on: April 19, 2012, 01:43:49 PM »
Hot Problems is obviously the work of some Lonely Island wanna-be who wanted to go viral in the cheapest way possible but forgot to try and make it an obvious parody thing. I can appreciate something shamelessness but you should at least try and have it grab some legs.

The Rebecca Black thing is sort of a modern tragedy. I think it's Internet bullying at the worst, in some ways. Some girl got a present to make a song and bad video and it blew up with a lot of professional snarkasaureses making fun of a 13-year-old girl. She's an accident. She wasn't shopping this around to major labels or anything like that in an attempt to become some Katy Perry wanna-be. I also don't think the song is absolutely terrible -- it's more or less a bubblegum pop song with some awful production behind it. I think I have a comment a few clicks back in this thread about how The Roots and Steven Colbert and Jimmy Fallon really deconstructed it and went completely overboard with it and made it completely ridiculous and fun. 
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  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #532 on: April 19, 2012, 02:27:56 PM »
Hot Problems is ok, but those girls are lousy singers. Friday had a cute girl who could sing good and a song so catchy and dumb that no one could resist it. We should all aspire to such heights! Rebecca Black took a lot of heat for it but at the end of the day it's a fucking stone cold classic that no one who lived through it will ever forget.

And yeah, Coyote McCloud's WHERE'S THE BEEF still reverberates in my heart.

Hot Problems is obviously the work of some Lonely Island wanna-be who wanted to go viral in the cheapest way possible but forgot to try and make it an obvious parody thing. I can appreciate something shamelessness but you should at least try and have it grab some legs.

The Rebecca Black thing is sort of a modern tragedy. I think it's Internet bullying at the worst, in some ways. Some girl got a present to make a song and bad video and it blew up with a lot of professional snarkasaureses making fun of a 13-year-old girl. She's an accident. She wasn't shopping this around to major labels or anything like that in an attempt to become some Katy Perry wanna-be. I also don't think the song is absolutely terrible -- it's more or less a bubblegum pop song with some awful production behind it. I think I have a comment a few clicks back in this thread about how The Roots and Steven Colbert and Jimmy Fallon really deconstructed it and went completely overboard with it and made it completely ridiculous and fun.


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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #533 on: April 19, 2012, 09:27:03 PM »

Please define.
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #534 on: April 20, 2012, 11:08:30 AM »
'And When I Die' By Blood, Sweat, and Tears

An entire band of 9 guys works together to create what sounds like a preset accompaniment on a Casio keyboard from the 80s.

Blood, Sweat, & Tears - And When I Die - Billboard Chart Hit - #2 - Oct. 1969

cavorting with nudists

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #535 on: April 20, 2012, 11:53:25 AM »
In all seriousness, I have felt for decades that "You've Made Me So Very Happy" from that same album is at least the all-time worst hit single.

(Embarrassing fact: These guys were the first rock concert I ever saw.)
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #536 on: April 20, 2012, 04:36:40 PM »
Yeeesh - Space Moose?  Thanks for bringing THAT back from the archives.


  • Plantar Fasciitis
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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #537 on: April 20, 2012, 06:04:02 PM »
Hey, wait a minute, I LIKED that New Radicals record.
I don't know about the actual album, but I won't hide my enjoyment of the radio hit. It sounds like a Todd Rundgren song, which is a-okay in my book.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #538 on: April 20, 2012, 06:58:15 PM »
Yeeesh - Space Moose?  Thanks for bringing THAT back from the archives.

No single thing in my life destroyed more of my innocence.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!

dave from knoxville

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Re: The Worst Song Ever
« Reply #539 on: April 20, 2012, 07:04:21 PM »
Hey, wait a minute, I LIKED that New Radicals record.
I don't know about the actual album, but I won't hide my enjoyment of the radio hit. It sounds like a Todd Rundgren song, which is a-okay in my book.

The whole record is exactly like the song you know, but the single's ramped up a bit. And I too am a Toddy.