I did like how the most recent episode provoked actual emotional reactions from me. The story of the rich dude who wants his wife back was a bit far fetched, but the ending definitely made me a bit misty. I'm also bummed that Mellie is a doll. I actually thought it would be better if she had been killed...for the story's sake. Not that I don't like her character. But it might have been interesting...a little more out of left field than "ooooo...another character we didn't think is a doll is a doll!"
Also I dug the fight scene. I never had hate for Eliza. Faith was a favorite character on Buffy, and I like when she's "badass".
The television interview thing was kind of weak, though. Can't they make something look like it's actually a news report in this day and age, instead of using some cheesy interlacing effect? As for the humor,I did notice more Whedon-esque jokes in this episode. It's an improvement, anyway.
The exploitative undertones of the show, however, continue to make me uncomfortable. There was lots of eye candy to ogle on Buffy, but it feels a little out of control on Dollhouse.