I love his response to Human Giant's live twittering of Crank 2
listen - my biggest problem with it is this. Look, you're an incredibly talented and funny man. And look you have over 13,000 followers - lots of impressionable folks that might think it'd be a gas to Twitter during movies. In this case it is a Crank 2, but it could be OBSERVE & REPORT - or any other film - and those lights from those screens could annoy you, me, whoever there was no need to twitter while you watched, your comments would be as funny after the film as during. And not annoy anyone
There's a whole bunch of other comments, which basically boiled down to "the Alamo Drafthouse wouldn't stand for this!".
He just feels compelled to stand up for movies. All movies. Because if he doesn't, Hollywood will stop flying him to its gala premieres of their shitty, shitty blockbusters.
Anyone remember when Ebert was first auditioning Siskel replacements, and Harry Knowles did a few shows with him? Terrifying.