Author Topic: Joe Wong, the asian Mitch Hedberg  (Read 4803 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Joe Wong, the asian Mitch Hedberg
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2009, 02:12:36 PM »
Unfortunately, I had never heard Todd Barry before now. And boy do I feel stupid.  :-[

(Funny video, though.)
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Joe Wong, the asian Mitch Hedberg
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2009, 02:36:26 PM »
Now I feel bad. :(

Do "check him out" though, if you like Hedbergian delivery/timing. He's one of my absolute faves and happens to be touring

Back to the topic: found this other Joe Wong video which has some more hilarious jokes-
"You want me to recognize you and I won't. I won't acknowledge you! I deny you. So you keep begging and begging. The door is slammed on you. I want nothing to do with you. You will die unrecognized by me."
-Tom Scharpling


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2397
Re: Joe Wong, the asian Mitch Hedberg
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2009, 02:57:41 PM »
From his website, here are some miscellaneous facts about Joe Wong:

Dream job: work on TV announcing losing lottery numbers.
Music: loves classic rock, but there are no new songs in that genre.
Music theory: Dave Matthews is a poor man's Paul Simon; John Mayer is a poor man's Dave Matthews; Paul Simon is a poor man's John Mayer.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.