I thought it was great--even though I actually had a few cavils, which is more than I usually have had with any particular episode. Yes, there were some plausibility issues with Walt's methods of dealing with Lydia and the Nazis. That didn't bother me; as with the Sergio Leone films which Vince G. has consistently cited as inspiration, there has always been a sizable bit of fantasy and wishful thinking in the show's treatment of violence and successful stratagems. And those Nazi ratfuckers sure looked good with bullets tearing through their organs.
I had more trouble plausibility-wise with Skyler showing as much patience with Walt as she did, and I cringed when she actually almost broke into a smile (the entire series' second-worst moment, after her singing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" to Ted). And whatever the virtues of Badfinger or "Baby Blue," I just thought that was a plain bad choice that didn't work at all, the first time I can remember thinking that about one of their musical selections.
I liked it though. I liked that it turned out Walt returned to ABQ with more than just bloody mayhem in mind. I liked that he seemed to have arrived at some self-knowledge--nothing hokey like "redemption," just some honesty with himself. I liked that he ended up rescuing Jesse after all--I had thought beforehand that he wouldn't be able to do that without the show going all soft on us, given the hatred he's already shown for Jesse. But it seemed of a piece with the self-knowledge, a recognition that in the end Jesse had been more sinned against--by him, Walt--than sinning.
Good show. Take it away, Saul.