You've got a great career in TV, PidgeonGlenn Beck.
Just because I can't believe you're allowing yourself to be so bothered by Pidgeon's obvious (and surprisingly successful) fishing for attention that you're rising to the bait. (Please take my surprise as testament to my good opinion of you.)
Quote from: Sarah on April 27, 2010, 01:51:39 PMJust because I can't believe you're allowing yourself to be so bothered by Pidgeon's obvious (and surprisingly successful) fishing for attention that you're rising to the bait. (Please take my surprise as testament to my good opinion of you.)He doesn't bother me so much as he invokes my pity. Everyone I have ever met who prides themselves on their ability to troll was, ummm, a prick. I doubt he can see that in himself. He probably thinks he's clever, in a douchy condescending way. If my son engaged in such behavior, I would make him go choose his own switch.
Yeah, ideally everyone should have just ignored me.
Everyone I have ever met who prides themselves on their ability to troll was, ummm, a prick. I doubt he can see that in himself.
I would make him go choose his own switch.
I'm taking a class all about cults and communes in the fall, so I'll re-open this thread then. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Glenn Beck is going to slip and advocate armed insurrection or something similar and Fox News is going to have to fire him.Or maybe it will be as simple as calling Barack Obama a communist, a line he hasn't crossed yet.