Well, I didn't die. I did draw some blood beneath my nose and had to reach for my reliable 2-blade Sensor Excel to remove a stubborn whisker just below my septum. On the open plains of my face and neck, the Fusion did a pretty good job.
Hey! The first time I used the Fusion I cut *my* under-nose! It really bled like hell, too.
It is big and kind of weird to get used to, but at those prices, I'm not about to toss it in the garbage until I run out of blades.
The Fusion Power (the one that vibrates) does actually help to get rid of the soap and hair when you rinse it. I think that is the main feature of the vibration.
It does a good job, but I would have done just fine with the Excel.
I think Gillette has hit the wall on this evolution. I mean how many more blades do they really need?