Author Topic: No! Go! Tell! | Family Fun | Mirrors & Wires | The Sirs - April 16, 2010 - BK  (Read 1906 times)


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 134
oyez oyez oyez FOT,

My band Family Fun is playing at Hank's Saloon in Brooklyn once again this Friday. This is definitely star-studded and stud-starred. We're playing with three other great bands, some of which we've known for years (and years) so it'll be a good time for sure. Come by and introduce yourself and tell us all the ways our free show has disappointed you. Or tell us about the band you think we exactly sound like.  Or in true FOT glory, tell us about the lackluster down & out celebrity we each most resemble. But seriously, you guys are great and if we even had a sliver of the support you all give the Best Show, we physically couldn't ask for more.

The lineup =
The Sirs - NJ punk torchbearers that do the garden state proud. Holy moly, cow, and smokes.
Mirrors & Wires - Spacey surf punk shenanigans from the great state of NJ (just played with Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine)
Family Fun - dirty punk n' roll "dwelling a little too much on the human condition" (and loyal FOTs)
No! Go! Tell! - unequal parts psychobilly, surf, punk, and folklore! (note - Joe Jack Talcum of the Dead Milkmen will not be playing this show with them) - Unlike 5 days of work, these guys cannot be missed.

So come by and have a drink. It's free. And the people are nice. PM if you need more details.

Your humble servant,