Author Topic: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)  (Read 14404 times)


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #120 on: September 17, 2010, 04:33:34 PM »
I was pretty happy with the show after Amanda was eliminated.  The remaining chefs may have had their eccentricities, but I didn't actively hate any of them.  And the level of cooking seemed good.  Once Kevin started talking about the cuttlefish noodles, I started thinking he had a chance to win. 

Apparently the "big reveal" for next week is that season 8 will be an All Star season.  I found this list on, we'll see if it's true next week:

Marcel Vigneron
Richard Blais
Fabio Viviani
Stephen Asprinio
Angelo Sosa
Carla Hall
Tiffany Derry
Spike Mendelsohn
Michael Isabella
Dale Talde
Tiffani Faison
Jamie Lauren
Antonia Lofaso
Jennifer Carroll
Andrew D'Ambrosio

Lastly, Just Desserts seemed promising.  I think the judges showed some first episode jitters, but hopefully they'll settle down once the season continues.  Since dessert making is harder to fix at the last minute, it will be interesting to see how the chefs deal with seperated sauces, cakes that don't rise etc.


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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #121 on: September 19, 2010, 09:42:37 AM »
Got around to Just Desserts yesterday.  At the least, it promises to feature more ridiculous antics than Top Chef.  Since antics are my least favorite component of these shows, this does not count as much of a plus for me. 

* I was saddened that so many of the contestants were lispy gay men, just because I hate to see stereotypes borne out so unimaginatively. 

* It will be a happy day for me when no one ever again says "It was like a party in my mouth" and variations thereof.

* Making everyone climb to the top level of that double-decker bus was one of the stupider opening gimmicks I've seen on this show.  I don't know where the show was filmed, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't London.  To make matters worse, it was apparently a scorcher of a day, so everyone was extremely uncomfortable as they waited for the arrival of Ms. Simmons and Mr. Hair.

* My sympathy for the sad sack who was kicked off first was tempered by my annoyance at people who say "We/my husband and I/my wife and I have been trying to get pregnant." 

*  How silly was it that one fellow just put his semifreddo in a cupcake-shaped bowl and hoped for the best?

* I enjoyed it when one of the primi donni said, "Making dessert is like giving birth to a baby," and Gail responded drily, "And you have a lot of experience with that?"  The barb flew right over the guy's head--he just gushed "Yes!" in reply--but I appreciated it.

* "Flex Mussels"?

* The contestants are much more flamboyant than the Top Chef crowd.  Do you think pastry chefs/bakers/whatever they're calling themselves suffer from inferiority complexes in relation to savory chefs and so (over)act the part of temperamental geniuses?
In conclusion:  (a) My favorite right now is Yigit, solely because of his great name and, so far, good manners; I don't recall what he made for either challenge.  (b) My vote for the contestant most likely to crack and commit mass murder goes to Morgan.  Who is bonkers.


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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #122 on: September 19, 2010, 10:42:25 AM »
P.S.  We are all going to have so much fun with the next, all-star season of Top Chef.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #123 on: September 19, 2010, 10:38:56 PM »
P.S.  We are all going to have so much fun with the next, all-star season of Top Chef.

We have all earned it.

Kim Kelly

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2010, 07:33:04 PM »
re: all stars

Marcel Vigneron Yes!
Richard Blais Yes!
Fabio Viviani Yes!
Stephen Asprinio Yes!
Angelo Sosa Yeah, but only if he's not cocky.
Carla Hall Hootie Hoo!
Tiffany Derry Um, no.
Spike Mendelsohn NO!
Michael Isabella NO NO NO!
Dale Talde Eh.
Tiffani Faison  No.
Jamie Lauren Wait, she's not FinGerSwiss, is she? No.
Antonia Lofaso Who??
Jennifer Carroll Okay.
Andrew D'Ambrosio Sure!
Too soon?


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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #125 on: September 20, 2010, 08:17:35 PM »
I quite liked Antonia.  And young Dale.  Andrew was a jerk, and I'd rather not see him again.  But Angelo's early arrogance gave way to nuttiness, so I have hopes for him.  Not to win, mind you.


  • Achilles bursitis
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #126 on: September 21, 2010, 04:31:04 PM »
I wouldn't have expected to be rooting for Angelo to win-- I really really didn't like him for a good part of the season, but it seemed like he stopped being as much of a jerk after he found himself on the chopping block a few times. I'm fine with Kevin winning, I guess-- I'm mostly glad Ed didn't win.

Also, re: next season. Mike Isabella? seriously? That guy was a grade-A cretin!


  • A Recapper/A True Star.
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #127 on: September 21, 2010, 05:28:16 PM »

Also, re: next season. Mike Isabella? seriously? That guy was a grade-A cretin!

Well said, chimp!
"Let's have a device-a-thon, just you and me." -- Montgomery Davies

Kim Kelly

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #128 on: September 21, 2010, 05:55:23 PM »
I'm not going to sign off on an all-stars cast until I know Stefan is involved. Thank you.

And Sarah, Andrew's methy antics grew up on. Maybe I should watch Breaking Bad.
Too soon?


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #129 on: September 21, 2010, 06:59:34 PM »
If you don't mind, KK, I'd like to take a crack at All-Star free association too ...

Marcel Vigneron Evil Scientist
Richard Blais Little Blaisers
Fabio Viviani Good evening, ladies!
Stephen Asprinio French knot
Angelo Sosa Mail order bride
Carla Hall Hootie Hoo!
Tiffany Derry Future talk show host
Spike Mendelsohn Asshat
Michael Isabella Mouth breather
Dale Talde Crotch grabber
Tiffani Faison  Chuckles
Jamie Lauren Chuckles Jr
Antonia Lofaso May actually be a human being
Jennifer Carroll Winning won't cheer you up
Andrew D'Ambrosio Dorf on cooking


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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #130 on: September 21, 2010, 07:51:36 PM »
Laurie, I choose to believe that FinGerSwiss's absence from the lineup means he has better things to do.  And you should watch Breaking Bad no matter what.


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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #131 on: September 22, 2010, 07:24:33 AM »

Also, re: next season. Mike Isabella? seriously? That guy was a grade-A cretin!

Well said, chimp!



  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 89
Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #132 on: September 27, 2010, 04:22:57 PM »
Just watched last week's Just Desserts. 

"The red hots are for my momma!"

Only two episodes in, and they may have peaked already.


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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #133 on: September 27, 2010, 04:32:33 PM »
"Mommy."  Even better.

Anyone watch the reunion show?  What a boring, unlikable bunch.  It's no wonder the season was dreary.


  • A Recapper/A True Star.
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Re: Top Chef D.C. (Season 7)
« Reply #134 on: September 27, 2010, 05:58:18 PM »

Anyone watch the reunion show?  What a boring, unlikable bunch.  It's no wonder the season was dreary.

I skipped it.  I couldn't handle any more of that Cretten Crew.
"Let's have a device-a-thon, just you and me." -- Montgomery Davies