I'm not sure Mike would like this. But then again, who knows.
It's best described as a Greek Fritzl-esque family drama shot in a distant/cold, sometimes annoyingly stylized way. Reminded me of Ulrich Seidl. The dark comedy elements of the story doesn't work AT ALL. And don't see it if you expect answers to the questions: What makes a man raise his kids in total solitude? Is he a psycho? Is he just a patriarch pushed to the extreme? In typical open-ended arthouse fashion it more or less completely avoids answering that.
You never see any harm being done to any cat. All that stuff is off screen. You do experience and see plenty of really unpleasant and realistically shot scenes through.
And there's some pretty graphic sex scenes aswell.
Lots of people love it. It was a festival favorite all through 2009. I say it's worth a look.