Author Topic: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 50 other video sites)  (Read 1235612 times)


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Re: youtube - Allen Ginsberg - BIRD BRAIN
« Reply #2715 on: March 19, 2019, 07:48:25 PM »
Allen Ginsberg - BIRD BRAIN

This catchy song seems pretty relevant today, as it was then. Too bad Allen and Epstein probably could have been fellow passengers on Jeffy's private vomit express. Oh well.

More true each day, this one:

Bird Brain is one of my favorites, Dammit!

There are some tapes of Ginsberg working with Sir Paul Skeletons?
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Allen Ginsberg - BIRD BRAIN
« Reply #2716 on: March 20, 2019, 02:08:08 AM »
Not sure about the above, fonny. I know that he and Bob Dylan did "Vomit Express" together:

Fun Fact or Fun Fiction: I think that I read that Dylan's song, Just Like a Woman, is about Allen who was constantly hitting on ol' young Bob, harmonicle and all:

Anyways, I doubt that Allen and Bob did much beyond the song - and a fuck-ton of acid and weed - together.

It bums me out that Allen may have had some serious pederastic predilections. It is hard for me to reconcile that thought with his talent. Father Death Blues still kills me every time I listen to it: .

What a waste, if true.

Well, back to weeping for humanity....



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"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Charles Bukowski - Live at Redondo Beach
« Reply #2718 on: March 22, 2019, 03:36:16 AM »
Fon, that was a treat. Never saw that one before.

I thought I'd share Bukowski's last reading with you (just for you; no one else should watch it).

Am digging up something else related to Ginsberg - will post when I am done digging.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner
« Reply #2719 on: March 30, 2019, 05:14:39 AM »
When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner

Fon, I am done digging and this post is the result.

Since you seem to be into "book learning" and are therefore on a watch list like me, here is a book that you may enjoy (if you have not already done so): When I Was Cool. It is close to my heart because it got me out of jury duty one time. When the Judge asked me about the book I'd brought with me, I read the title and summarized the narrative for her. I was dismissed by the prosecuting attorney quite promptly.

Anyhoos, Mr. Kashner had the pleasure of being the "water boy" for Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, and William S. Burrows at Naropa University aka the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at a tender young age. There is a longer interview here: To me, the book is a lot of fun, and the stories are great and depict all of the previously formerly freewheeling, apple murdering, and rule breaking Beats as completely beat, monstrously grumpy, and fully constipated - and they treat young Sam accordingly. If I remember correctly, Kashner talks about Kurt Cobain applying to Naropa only to be denied a spot.

If you are interested, here is an audio archive of poetry that includes many, many authors and many LSD-informed topics:

Fun Fact: The "Henry" who is mentioned at the start of the first video is by John Berryman, a Minneapolis Poet who threw himself off a bridge. According to my old, dear-but-dead professor, Johnny B. was seen walking to the center of the Washington Avenue Bridge, catching the eye of a passerby and waiving gently, just before he took one small small step for Henry but a big leap for Mr. Berryman:

I guess that John Henry really did find life boring or maybe he just grew tired of bad student evaluations.

Too bad that he didn't just just give up trying to solve the problem of his father's death, and instead just try to imagine how his father might behave if he had just one more day on earth: clean and happy. Well, that and giving up trying to figure out his addition to thoughts and things.

It is unsolvable so one just gives up and lives.


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Re: youtube - When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner
« Reply #2720 on: April 01, 2019, 09:00:11 AM »
When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner

I heard an interview with Kashner a while back. I had intended to do more research then got carried away by the information current and my other activities (
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner
« Reply #2721 on: April 01, 2019, 04:08:32 PM »
When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner

I heard an interview with Kashner a while back. I had intended to do more research then got carried away by the information current and my other activities (

Yes, I have been listening to your wisdom for some time now, Fon. Your work would integrate very well with and with Negativland. I think that Negativland has a new work coming out soon, btw.

I also thought that I would share some poetry from a dear friend, Dr. Howland Owll of the Subgenius Foundation: Some of the Sacred Ground poets reference the Beats now and again, though Dr. Hal marches to his own drummer for sure. I had the opportunity to take a long, long road trip with Hal, and he recited most of TS Elliots The Wasteland from memory, along with any other Norton's Anthology poem that I could recall from my BA in English long ago - quite an amazing mind.

NOTE: Fixed utube link for Dr. Hal:


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Re: youtube - When I Was Cool - Sam Kashner
« Reply #2722 on: April 02, 2019, 08:43:38 PM »
I had the opportunity to take a long, long road trip with Hal, and he recited most of TS Elliots The Wasteland from memory, along with any other Norton's Anthology poem that I could recall from my BA in English long ago - quite an amazing mind.

Wow and Wow!
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Behind the Dial - Robot Relations
« Reply #2723 on: April 03, 2019, 01:07:26 PM »
Behind the Dial S1 E2 - Robot Relations

Hey Fon - If you're like me and you're constantly threatened by ogres in Big (teeny-peeny) Trucks with the Confefederate Gun Flags and McHimberder-wraps flying out both of the winders, then this podcast might or might not be for you. Check out the link if you'd like. It's one of those scroll-down-the-page type-deals. Lots of stuff there and a second season out soon, so I hears:

I can't remember where I heard about it (heh, maybe it was on your Fredericks MIND Thing or the Hour of Slack), but, irregardsless,  I do enjoy the Straight-Innie-Georgia Behind the Dial immensely. The show is certainly not for everyone. I think that if one finds the humor distasteful, then that person was not part of the intended demographic.

I don't know what that demographic is, nor am I sure that I am part of it. Nonetheless, it is the place where I learnt to mutter the phrase, stupid dip-cup truck-balls. It comes in quite handy on the Right part of the Left Coast, because I am nearly killed while driving everyday by tailgating side-swipers, as I try to obey the traffic laws while our fragile social order continues to devolve and degenerate. Heck, even Prius and Volt drivers are becoming reckless basket-cases out here, so maybe there is some truth to the horse shoe theory after all:

Maybe the Subgeni had the correct repose for our time all along.

Note: I am stating, for the record, that I should stop posting things here, because no one likes the posts or reads them and that I post way too often and that I am just wasting my time and everyone else's, because what I type is not funny, never-has-been-and-never-will-be and that I probably just do so to see the name "Dammit" all over the place because I think it is "humorous" but it really is just childish and I should just grow up already and go away and take all of my grammatical and spelling mistakes and stupid ideas along with me. I am also typing that before someone else does who thereby points out these obvious truths to me before I do right here. Well, I'm the obvious-pointer-outer 'round these parts, gosh-dammit, and you could not have said it better than myself.

Besides, I prefer harsh, negative self-criticism, because I find it warm and comforting as it reminds me so much of home. Ahhhh.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - The Recess Monkeys - Gone, Gone, Gone
« Reply #2724 on: April 17, 2019, 07:53:02 PM »
The Recess Monkeys - Gone, Gone, Gone

Well, sher beats anything on my Spotify daily mix every daily.

It's count to ten!


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953)
« Reply #2725 on: April 29, 2019, 12:25:29 AM »
Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953)

A pain-in-the ass named Mr. Hulot ruins everyone's holiday. I could only find a full version that has some added foreign language thrown in from time-to-time. Here is the Johnny Rotten Tomato-seed review:

The foreign heard from time-to-time is:
A) Catalonian
B) Spanish
C) Portuguese
D) None of the Above
E) All of the Above


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Steven Prince - American Boy
« Reply #2726 on: June 29, 2019, 12:24:51 PM »
Steven Prince - American Boy

I would imagine that most FOTers have seen this Scorsese film, but here it is just in case. I also assume that most members know that this film is the source from which Q.Jerome Tarantino stole the hypodermic-to-the-chest scene for Pulp Fiction. Now, if neither condition a nor b happen to be true, well, then now you have something to do.

It has been about 30 years since I watched this tale. It was part of a film festival that presented 3 by Scorsese on the big screen, and I watched it with two of my profs, one of whom was an econ professor who also happened to be Italian. He kept yelling at the screen during Italianamerican, "That's the old man! That's my old man!" He also used to call me a "mook" when I was moping around. A couple of years later, I held his hand in the hospital a few days before he slipped in a coma and passed away. I guess his family was similar to Scorsese's:

This is a collection of three early works by Martin Scorsese and a must for the collection of any fan. The 1st is Italianamerican (1974) which features Scorsese’s parents in their apartment. His parents are fascinating storytellers and interweave their own experiences as Italian Americans with a history of New York itself. The 2nd is The Big Shave (1967) which he made as a metaphor for the Vietnam War and was produced as his final project in film class at N.Y.U. A man walks into a sterile bathroom then proceeds to shave until he pierces through his skin. The 3rd film American Boy (1978) is a profile of Steven Prince. Scorsese gives the viewer an in depth view into the man's life and due to Prince's wonderful role as a story teller, the tales he tells are fascinating, some silly, and some so outlandish you have to doubt their sincerity.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Putney Swope - Robert Downey Sr.
« Reply #2727 on: July 31, 2019, 12:47:18 PM »
Putney Swope - Robert Downey Sr.

I sat through the whole thing. I won't recommend that anyone do the same thing. I guess that it is the emergence of libertarianism through blaxploitation on the cusp of the 1970s?

For me, it was a rough watch and not as rewarding as finally getting through Trout Mask Replica and liking it.
A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich

The film did jar this one from memory. I was about 8 or 9 when I watched this in a theater with my older cousin and his friend. I remember that we picked up his friend from a halfway house where he was "staying," and this was their choice of film for the afternoon. It was pretty shocking for me, and I think that there is a really weird nude scene in it that, even at young age, I recoiled from when I saw it. I have no idea if the scene is included in the full length version of the one available on youtube - if so, don't blame me. Not my film.

It would be fun to revisit the film after all of these years.

Oh, I also recall that my cousin's friend accidentally shut my hand in the door of the car after when we were going to leave.

I don't think that I'd like to revisit that again. 

Edit: I might have been a bit too young to understand this movie, but, then again, I never did try smack, so there's that.

A Hero Ain't Nothing But A Sandwich - Benji Takes a Hit

Edit, again: Not sure who Principle El is, but he seems okay so far.

A Hero Is Nothing But A Sandwich And They Get Eaten Everyday

This is a really good message, I think. So far.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: youtube - Dr. Sphincter and the Hunger
« Reply #2728 on: August 16, 2019, 03:18:02 PM »
Dr. Sphincter - Cleaning House

Before there was Let's Bowl, there was Dr. Sphincter (Rich Kronfeld), a fixture on Public Access tv when I was in college. It was around the same time that I'd discovered Mystery Science Theater 3000, where I had to use one of those loop UHF antennas to see it on a black and white tv in my room. Ah, those were the days...nothing at your fingertips and you really had to dig to find weird stuff. You kids have it so easy these days - and go play on someone else's driveway.

Anyhoo, here are some videos I found from long ago.

Nothing about any of these videos are is politically correct and all of them could be triggering and upsetting to certain groups. You've been notified.

Dope, Guns, and Fucking

Free Your Mind

SPAM Festival

Fluorescent Lights

Lathe Operator

Seating Department

Bonus Slime Clowns

Yer Welcome?


  • Space Champion!
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Re: youtube - Dr. Sphincter and the Hunger
« Reply #2729 on: August 17, 2019, 08:26:21 PM »
Dr. Sphincter - Cleaning House

Before there was Let's Bowl, there was Dr. Sphincter (Rich Kronfeld), a fixture on Public Access tv when I was in college. It was around the same time that I'd discovered Mystery Science Theater 3000, where I had to use one of those loop UHF antennas to see it on a black and white tv in my room. Ah, those were the days...nothing at your fingertips and you really had to dig to find weird stuff. You kids have it so easy these days - and go play on someone else's driveway.

Anyhoo, here are some videos I found from long ago.

Nothing about any of these videos are is politically correct and all of them could be triggering and upsetting to certain groups. You've been notified.

Dope, Guns, and Fucking

Free Your Mind

SPAM Festival

Fluorescent Lights

Lathe Operator

Seating Department

Bonus Slime Clowns

Yer Welcome?

Fluorescent Lights 666 views when I got there 667 now I suspect.
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."