Wow, I'm busted on so may levels regarding the things that should be left behind. When I work I make decent money...I'm a freelancer. When it rains it pours, when there is no work there is no work. I have very little control over that. I haven't had a regular paycheck since I was 25. It hasn't made my life so predictable, which I guess is something that I like. It also hasn't stopped me from doing the stuff that I want, owning property, traveling, eating good food. I've met people in all stages of life who are still figuring out what to do, they tend to be some of the more interesting people I've encountered. In my own family...Auntie R defended her PHD thesis at 65(also working full time and raising kids on her own///it took ten years of part time studies)...I thought that was kind of amazing. My mom had a house full of kids in her late forties and decided that getting a university degree was a good idea, and it was. So, ultimately I don't buy into most of the things you should leave behind at a certain age. Although I like the idea that one should be organized enough to manage their responsibilities as best they can at any age. I wonder if all these posts, aside from the comedic aspects, are implying or hoping for stability and a level of comfort at a certain age. I think it comes down making good decisions, hard work, and luck. I could be wrong.
Sorry for getting so serious.
How about, Spider-Man curtains and bed sheets?