funny, i recognized the carmen sandiego clip when greggulator was describing it, but not from the actual clip posted above, but the keyboard cat one:
Play him off, keyboard cat.
Stuff I didn't talk about on my call about my appearance:
1) My competitor, Ilan, is some high-faluting military expert and writes for the Huffington Post and worked for John Kerry's campaign. He actually befriended me on Facebook and is a very nice guy and thinks the whole thing is funny. He was never able to live down the "Jerusalem is safer than here" bit from his friends and family. Super glad to have communicated with him.
2) I constantly lean into the microphone because I was on my middle school's academic decathlon team and we had it drilled into us that we had to lean into the microphone for our answers to count. I couldn't break that habit on Carmen Sandiego, which just adds to the hilarity/humiliation.
3) I originally had this on VHS. A few of my friends from college also had these weird TV show appearances -- one was on some Double Dare rip-off and another was an actor on an Unsolved Mysteries reenactment -- and we showed all of them at a party. Naturally, I lost the VHS tape since I moved about 500 times when in college. I tried for YEARS to track down a copy of the tape but to no avail. Finally, about three or four years ago, I found out that there is a Carmen Sandiego message board community, run by someone who dresses like Carmen Sandiego and goes to comic book conventions as such. They led me to this guy Anton who collects game show appearances and has like 10,000 game show episodes in his collectiion. I told him about my episode and he had it. He sent it to me for free. This sounds nice enough, but this guy was a total nutjob and used to e-mail me things like, "I'm writing a screenplay about an asteroid that's going to hit the sun and I have you in mind to be the lead actor." Total weirdo.
4) The Keyboard Cat thing is hilarious. Someone sent a link to me about that when it first appeared and I was completely mesmerized. My friend Paul revealed to me about two years after the fact that he put it together as a prank. He felt bad because the comments on that are so absurdly mean but I think that's even funnier. They're better than the comments on the original video which are horrifically racist/anti-Semetic. I've also threatened to sue commenters for "slanderous" remarks about me and had a friend of mine pretend to be my lawyer.
5) I did a comedy show in Philly where I showed the video and did live commentary over it. This came together because the lead singer of Rockapella found me on Facebook and said that he loved the video and he'd love to perform with me or something. So I ended up somehow getting him to do the theme song at my show. Afterwards, he did his new material from his comedy music act "Jewmongus."
The whole thing essentially sums up my life to a T. When this thing first aired, I was soooooo embarrassed, since it came out within my first two months of being in high school. But then I came to just embrace it since it was seemingly on television at least once a day for three years of my life. What else can you do? And then that was the first thing my future wife said to me so the whole thing worked out well. Cheaters Do Prosper!