Sadam Sandler
That's either a Spike nickname or an obscure Jodorowsky film.
It's just a typo, but Spike can use it if he wants it.
Sandler was in my hometown last week making a movie. Know what I learned about film making? That they erect these black screens so that passerby can't see anything. It makes sense that they'd do that, but it still annoyed me.
I lived in Vancouver for 4 years or so in the late 90's/early oughts, and since it's the popular stand in for, well, just about any town you can think of when they can't shoot on location, I've seen some pretty ridiculous stuff as far as movie/tv shooting goes.
My favorite was the giant rain machines. The amount of water they would release was mind boggling. And they'd usually be running them in the rain, since this was Vancouver.