Author Topic: Netflix Instant recommendations thread  (Read 73744 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #300 on: November 11, 2013, 02:11:12 PM »
No, you're right. She's always been crazy looking.

And, let me hasten to add, there's nothing wrong with that. Crazy can be good. I was just surprised to see her in what would become the Heather Graham role.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!

Joe Rogaine

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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #301 on: November 12, 2013, 02:38:36 AM »
No, you're right. She's always been crazy looking.

And, let me hasten to add, there's nothing wrong with that. Crazy can be good. I was just surprised to see her in what would become the Heather Graham role.

I barely even remember her in the film.

Joe Rogaine

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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #302 on: November 12, 2013, 02:39:26 AM »
Has anybody checked out Gimmie the Loot yet, its pretty great.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #303 on: November 12, 2013, 01:06:46 PM »
Caligula is now up. I've heard that the version they have up has some of the naughty bits cut out (sorry, lustful FOTs). Other dirty, dirty movies on NI include The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover. It's a strange one -- if you want to see Michael Gambon act like a depraved maniac for two hours, check it out. It's good, but as far as Greenaway films go (or rather, as far as the two that I've seen go), I much prefer The Draughtsman's Contract (which can be found in full on YouTube).
Ever do nothing and gain nothing from it?
Ever feel stupid and then know that you really are?
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Joe Rogaine

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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #304 on: November 13, 2013, 03:50:08 AM »
Frances Ha is up on there now too.

Joe Rogaine

  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #305 on: November 15, 2013, 10:55:15 AM »
Only God Forgives is on there now, i kind of liked it better than Drive.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 368
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #306 on: November 15, 2013, 11:30:44 AM »
Really? I found Only God Forgives more or less unwatchable. I was expecting a lot from it too, since I liked Drive.

I watched Grave Encounters. Basically Paranormal Activity with a more interesting premise and better characters. When the "scares" start happening it gets really lame though. Probably not worth watching.
Ever do nothing and gain nothing from it?
Ever feel stupid and then know that you really are?
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John Junk

  • Policemans heel
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #307 on: November 15, 2013, 05:53:37 PM »
The craziest thing about Nashville to me is that he tried to sell Shelly DuVall as a sex symbol. Maybe that's because I saw Popeye, though.

Sword of Almonds, Show Me The Things...


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #308 on: November 17, 2013, 07:28:55 AM »
Grave Encounters is schlocky fun
Breakfast- I'm havin' a time
Wheelies- I'm havin' a time
Headlocks- I'm havin' a time
Drunk Tank- not so much a time
George St.- I'm havin' a time
Brenda- I'm havin' a time
Bingo- I'm havin' a time
House Arrest- I'm still havin' a time


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #309 on: November 17, 2013, 02:46:20 PM »
The craziest thing about Nashville to me is that he tried to sell Shelly DuVall as a sex symbol. Maybe that's because I saw Popeye, though.

Crazier than Lily Tomlin as a gospel singer?
I'll probably go into the wee hours.


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #310 on: November 17, 2013, 07:21:02 PM »
Just watched Beauty Is Embarrassing, wonderful doc about Wayne White.

Joe Rogaine

  • Space Champion!
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Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #311 on: November 18, 2013, 08:14:52 AM »
The craziest thing about Nashville to me is that he tried to sell Shelly DuVall as a sex symbol. Maybe that's because I saw Popeye, though.


She was kind of oddly cute back in the early 70's maybe around the time of Brewster McCloud.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 368
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #312 on: November 22, 2013, 03:04:53 AM »
Frances Ha is up on there now too.

Watched this. I liked the depressing ending, but I found the characters insufferable. It reminded me of Girls. A lot of quirkiness and people acting as if they lived in some sort of higher realm of existence because they're semi-educated and can look at things in a detached, ironic way. I found this to be amusing rather than annoying in Kicking and Screaming, but maybe that was because Chris Eigeman was in it and the characters were smarter and were quirky in a dorky rather than a "cool" way. I'd love for a GG Allin type to enter the lives of Frances Ha/Girls people and snort lines of coke on their dinner tables and demand money and cigarettes from them, and just shatter their dumb, self-important worlds. There needs to be some sort of violent upheaval. These people are obnoxiously complacent.
Ever do nothing and gain nothing from it?
Ever feel stupid and then know that you really are?
Ever think you're smart and then find out you aren't?
Ever play the fool and then find out that you're worse?


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 368
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #313 on: November 22, 2013, 03:08:34 AM »
And yeah, Becket, Charade, and The Lady Vanishes are good.
Ever do nothing and gain nothing from it?
Ever feel stupid and then know that you really are?
Ever think you're smart and then find out you aren't?
Ever play the fool and then find out that you're worse?


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 78
Re: Netflix Instant recommendations thread
« Reply #314 on: November 23, 2013, 10:29:13 PM »

Watched this. I liked the depressing ending, but I found the characters insufferable. It reminded me of Girls. A lot of quirkiness and people acting as if they lived in some sort of higher realm of existence because they're semi-educated and can look at things in a detached, ironic way. I found this to be amusing rather than annoying in Kicking and Screaming, but maybe that was because Chris Eigeman was in it and the characters were smarter and were quirky in a dorky rather than a "cool" way. I'd love for a GG Allin type to enter the lives of Frances Ha/Girls people and snort lines of coke on their dinner tables and demand money and cigarettes from them, and just shatter their dumb, self-important worlds. There needs to be some sort of violent upheaval. These people are obnoxiously complacent.

What was depressing about the end of Frances Ha? I loved the end and thought she came to a place of satisfaction with her life.

As for your comments about the "insufferable" characters...I'd much rather hang out with the people in Frances Ha than GG Allin. Except for maybe Adam Driver's character...