The question is a bit too open-ended to answer with any confidence for someone whose taste I know nothing about. I could tell you that Billy Wilder's magisterially sleazy Kiss Me Stupid (over which I traded a few jabs with Auntie Christina a while back) is available, as is Cutter's Way (a good-almost-great 80's neo-noir recently referenced vis-a-vis Orson Welles), but what do the two really have in common except that (1) I like 'em, and (2) there's no reason to expect that any other FOT would?
I can say with confidence, though, that as an FOT my greatest Netflix streaming bargain over the last few months has been the full 89-episode run of The Larry Sanders Show, which I had not seen prior to Garry Shandling's WTF interview. If anyone else here hasn't seen it and didn't know it was there: Go Watchum.
PS: Thanks, DFK, for that list. I like that The Old Stuff too and will be using your post as a guide.