From Scott @ WFMU:
My friends! The Best Show premium from the 2011 Marathon esta finit - and so begins the mailing of it, to something like 2000 people. Let's start tomorrow, mm'kay? Let's do it Wednesday too, and probably even Friday. This week, except no Thursday. Will you join us? I wanna pack the house for this one, bang it out good & quick.
Please let me know if you'd like to schlep our way (Downtown JC-way) and help us get this stuff off the floor and in the air! We'll be at it from 11am til 5pm each day (Tues, Weds & Fri). Looking forward to hearing from lots of you - thanks!
If you're in the NJ/NYC area & have the time free, you should go down to the station-shwag mailings are totally fun and you get to meet all kinds of WFMU goofballs. I gotta go out of town for work, otherwise I'd go myself... Scott's email address is his first name at wfmu dot org...