I'd love to see Tom just adopt the Rifftrax/Never Not Funny model pay-wise (and maybe a little bit contentwise, the idea of "seasons" of the Best Show Mk 2 with like a long-running storyline going through the Tom & Jon calls really piques my interest), maybe do a call-in show every once in a while but the rest could just be him doing whatever strikes his fancy. I thought today about how great it would be to listen to Tom try to watch/listen to some TV show or band he's bagged on in the past and listen to him riff on that (my first thought was hearing Tom react to Doctor Who). Sort of an expanded version of the Stroszek commentary. If he owns the rights to the archives, having a pay-wall protected thing where we can download old shows and maybe some of the older WFMU premium things (I'd love to be able to see Fantasia in Best Show Minor) would be good too, but all of that would be a massive undertaking IT wise. I'm not even sure how he'd do the call-in show without the WFMU studios - Skype? Would it work as well?
Whatever Tom does and wants to do, I will support him in any way I can, and I don't want him to just make "a little money" as he's said recently, I want Tommy Wonderful to be rich as Reese's, and I will follow and shell out my cash for whatever he wants to do. Really, he could do anything he wants, he need not restrict himself just to finding a new way to do the show, he could branch out easily. There's so many options, I'm really excited for him and for the future - the possibilities are almost endless!