No doubt, if she reads this post of yours, she'll be scolding you for the absent apostrophe in "weeks" and that "I" that should have been "me."
Sorry--I'm crabby, and it's coming out in the form of persnicketiness. I just got back from hitchhiking home from Machias after my sisters' and my jointly owned car broke down--blessedly after we'd dropped the puppy off to be neutered--and tonight I have to go to yet another selectmen's meeting/public hearing because a creepy enlargement of the planning board's powers that was voted down during the development wars has been put on the docket to be voted on once again during the town meeting this August. It is clear that the powers-that-be are hoping people will be too tired out from the shenanigans two months ago and too preoccupied with summer pastimes to put up a fuss. I have other reasons to be irked today, but these two would be enough to set me off all on their own.