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FOT Community => Links => Topic started by: KickTheBobo on March 30, 2007, 05:43:21 PM

Title: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: KickTheBobo on March 30, 2007, 05:43:21 PM
His films are hit or miss with me, but I really dig David Lynch the Guy.

Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: moonshake on March 30, 2007, 09:40:53 PM
nice. always a fascinating man to listen to.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Dorvid Barnas on March 30, 2007, 10:25:36 PM
Like his movies, that interview left me feeling both inspired and unhinged.
I loved how he said the name "Joe", though, and his seamless transition between promoting transcendental meditation and promoting his new line of coffee.

David Lynch Transcendental Coffee - Dive in!
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Sarah on March 31, 2007, 09:15:42 AM
David Lynch said "expresso."  He later said "espresso," but it didn't cancel the other out.

I'll forgive him, I guess. 
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: jed on March 31, 2007, 12:46:55 PM
"Studio! Who needs them?!...never take a final cut...stay true to the idea, stay true to the idea, don't take no for an answer."

David Lynch: the Transcendentalist kid, runnin' things. His last-second weigh-in on product placement demolishes any doubts.

I love David Lynch. He seems like the most genuine filmmaker around. He's more earnest than Mr. Rogers.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: John Junk on March 31, 2007, 01:23:57 PM
Yeah dude!  The last 20 seconds of that clip make the preceding 17min and 40 seconds turn into gold.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Omar on March 31, 2007, 03:03:04 PM
His description of Philly at the beginning of this clip is amazing:

"Philadelphia is called the city of brotherly love, but Philadelphia when I was there was ... a ... uh ... hellhole, filled with fear, violence, insanity, corruption, you name it.  And it was a fearful place thick with torment, but I kinda loved it."
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Josh on May 17, 2007, 09:01:42 PM
Hey Laurie the MBC ( is showing Inland Empire Sunday, June 24 at the Colony Theater.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Laurie on May 17, 2007, 10:33:33 PM
Hey Laurie the MBC ( is showing Inland Empire Sunday, June 24 at the Colony Theater.

You wanna see it? I like David Lynch, but my koo koo mommy loves him. Seriously, she gave a standing ovation at the end of Mulholland Drive! I don't know, she's always had weird taste in movies and art. She's currently obsessed with this one artist who takes images from porno movies, BLOWS THEM UP REALLY REALLY BIG until it's practically impossible to figure out what end is up, and cuts away huge swathes of it, leaving behind only delicate little interconnected flowers or lacy patterns. I think she owns two? It's not a big name artist (yet -- she has a pretty good eye, and she's made some great decisions), so she got super good prices.

Oh crap, I just realized I'll be in Minneapolis that weekend.  :'( :'( :'(


ALSO, LIVE WEBCAST? What the hell, it's not like we're, uh, Minneapolis. There's shit to do in this town! David Lynch, you can do rails off a high class hooker's ass in a cabana at Delano, and no one would care!

Uh, j/k. I think. I hope. Besides, the Delano's passé. Everyone's all about the Raleigh these days.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Dorvid Barnas on May 18, 2007, 12:15:39 AM
I like David Lynch, but my koo koo mommy loves him. Seriously, she gave a standing ovation at the end of Mulholland Drive!

Whoa!  I just pictured my mom doing that and it's something I'd like to un-picture.
I did stand up in the middle of "Fire Walk With Me", but that's a less intriguing story.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Laurie on May 18, 2007, 06:39:27 AM
I like David Lynch, but my koo koo mommy loves him. Seriously, she gave a standing ovation at the end of Mulholland Drive!

Whoa!  I just pictured my mom doing that and it's something I'd like to un-picture.
I did stand up in the middle of "Fire Walk With Me", but that's a less intriguing story.

You stood up to leave the theater? OH SNAPS!
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Omar on May 18, 2007, 07:54:13 AM
I like David Lynch, but my koo koo mommy loves him. Seriously, she gave a standing ovation at the end of Mulholland Drive!

Whoa!  I just pictured my mom doing that and it's something I'd like to un-picture.
I did stand up in the middle of "Fire Walk With Me", but that's a less intriguing story.

You stood up to leave the theater? OH SNAPS!

Fire Walk With Me is awesome.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Sarah on May 18, 2007, 09:30:31 AM
I preferred the television series.  It was funnier.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: Chris L on May 18, 2007, 10:17:56 AM
I did stand up in the middle of "Fire Walk With Me", but that's a less intriguing story.

Guess what?  Laura dies at the end.

A couple of days after INLAND EMPIRE  premiered in DC I saw Lynch promoting his book and doing one of his talks on transcendental meditation at the Kennedy Center.  He was very engaging but he of course left out the part where you have to pay $25,000 for some TM instructor to give you a fucking mantra.  Justin Theroux was there reading questions from the audience and there was a concert by Donovan (!) right afterward.  Hey, did you know Donovan knew THE BEATLES?  :o
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: KickTheBobo on May 18, 2007, 10:23:05 AM
that scene in Fire Walk with Me when Laura and Leland are stopped at the red light and the one-armed man is circling their car trying to warn Laura(?), and Leland just keep REVVING the engine...

I get stressed out just thinking about that part.

I also have Mr. Lynch to thank for introducing me to Julee Cruise, who is just dreamy.
Title: Re: Great Interview with David Lynch & His Fingers
Post by: lemke on May 18, 2007, 04:03:17 PM
Yeah dude!  The last 20 seconds of that clip make the preceding 17min and 40 seconds turn into gold.

HAHA... don't think they were happy about that!

Also... It looked like he could have been doing "Flight Of The Bumblee" on air-piano.