Hey Laurie the MBC is showing Inland Empire Sunday, June 24 at the Colony Theater.
You wanna see it? I like David Lynch, but my koo koo mommy loves him. Seriously, she gave a standing ovation at the end of
Mulholland Drive! I don't know, she's always had weird taste in movies and art. She's currently obsessed with this one artist who takes images from porno movies, BLOWS THEM UP REALLY REALLY BIG until it's practically impossible to figure out what end is up, and cuts away huge swathes of it, leaving behind only delicate little interconnected flowers or lacy patterns. I think she owns two? It's not a big name artist (yet -- she has a pretty good eye, and she's made some great decisions), so she got super good prices.
Oh crap, I just realized I'll be in Minneapolis that weekend.

ALSO, LIVE WEBCAST? What the hell, it's not like we're, uh, Minneapolis. There's shit to do in this town! David Lynch, you can do rails off a high class hooker's ass in a cabana at Delano, and no one would care!
Uh, j/k. I think. I hope. Besides, the Delano's passé. Everyone's all about the Raleigh these days.