That Smash video is great. My favorite part is around 3:30, where Steven Adler starts banging his hubcap on the ground out of sheer boredom.
I picked up a copy of SPIN yesterday. This is the first time I've paid for a physical copy of Spin Magazine in ... a decade? Maybe even two decades?
It's great. I like DR* ... I like the Best Show, I like Patton, I like the Best Show and I like Eddie Pepitone. Nice to see them all getting proper respect.
The Das Racist article was pretty good ... comedian Hari Kondabalu gets off some good zingers about his brother Dap, and I also liked his line about doing a show at the Sasquatch festival: "My set went better than expected, considering I was performing in front of many white people who had no issue wearing Native American headdresses and face paint and didn't even have the decency to finish off the impression by being unjustifiably killed".
(*DR = Das Racist and/or Depravity's Rainbow. Although I don't think Depravity's Rainbow got mentioned in SPIN. That's okay though ... Mr. Fogelnest had a lot of territory to cover in a small amount of space, and he did a pretty good job of it).