Hello everyone. I know this is shameless but I have no shame. I wanted to put up some projects of mine if I haven't pestered you on Twitter/Facebook/etc. I mentioned both of these on this week's show.
The first is this:
skaorimprov.tumblr.com, where YOU have to pick if the photo is of either a ska band or improv troupe. I have no idea how they found it but Chris Hardwick of all people talked this up on a recent edition of Midnight. I feel the same way you probably do about NERRRRDDDDSSSS but it's pretty awesome to get a huge plug like that.
The second is my Yelp Novel
http://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=r8GpBm9dbvBpciwnafPqmw. I've been writing Yelp reviews under the name "Karl G." who is a recently divorced actuary who moved into the Roxborough/Manayunk section of Philadelphia. It tells the tale of him, his ex-wife Cynthia, their twin sons Bradley and Bryan (B'n'B), his new lady friend Tonya M. (convicted of voter fraud) and a bunch of other things. I've also done some live performances and will embed them sooner or later.
Thanks. I hope you like these even if you are the dude on Twitter who hates me.