WOW. this video is
not some thing about race. black and white, huh? that is the very EASY, very SIMPLE and very LAZY answer.
zach was chosen for the video because of the other lipsynching videos he did. He's done one for Fiona Apple and he did another just for fun a few years back. he was also chosen for his general mindset about his life and his farm and how they align with the lyrics of the song.
i hate -- HATE -- to quote other people to make my own point, but these two (second gentlemen is Mike Bleiden who is the director) said it very well:
"Pete Velcro"
Wow. This video is not entirely absurd. Sure it has cows and swiss miss girls and Will Oldham, but at a basic level it lines up well with the sentiments of the song. "Can't Tell Me Nothing" seems to be about walking the line between self indulgence and being devoured by the entourage once you get "your money right"--the balance between the individual and the family. I think that balance is what Zach is going for with his farm. He's doing something bold and idealistic for himself as well as for his chosen community. Silk pajamas and a bulldozer.
I feel like I always take things a little too seriously, but I can't resist jumping in here and agreeing with Pete Velcro. Zach, Inman, Will and I actually sat around and talked about what the lyrics meant, and how funny it was to us that a farmer would be wrestling with the same amount of indignation, self-recrimination, and doubt in the face of success.
I love how everything boils down to black vs white, rich vs poor for people. It must make life so easy to think that way.
its officially all the rage - my little bro just sent it to me.
Jesus, I hate this thing now.
Oh ha-ha white people and Hip Hop.
This whole fucking youtube meta-humor thing got old reaaaaal quick.
you don't like it because it's popular? i thought you said you loved it a few posts back...