Hmm, just found and read all this thread. As a UK-er I thought I'd throw in my 2
cents pence. I largely agree with all the choice UK programming you have all picked out..Darkplace, Boosh, Coogan, IT Crowd, etc etc.... all very good. I second the Man to Man with Dean Lerner recommendation.
Like many of you (and Tom) I love the Office but have a large distaste for Gervais (Merchant seems like a good guy, but I mark him down for enabling Ricky so much.)
One thing that did seem to go unanswered however:
Are Phoenix Nights and Road to Nowhere good?
I've only seen clips.
Phoenix Nights is one of my favourite, if not favourite, British shows ever. It's so beautifully observed and accurate in it's caricaturisation. And is frequently laugh out loud funny.
The best thing about it for me, though is that it is very, very Northern (in an English sense.) Peter Kay (anyone familiar with his stand-up?) is a proud Northerner and it infuses his work. It is an excellent insight into the working man's/labour clubs here in NW England. And that is not a slice of England that generally is seen/heard about outside of the country. Which concerns me that people might not "get it." I have Southern/London friends that don't, for example. But given the good taste shown in this thread, I urge you to try it out, if you can find it. (Stay away from the Max and Paddy spin off though.)
And then come back and tell me what you thought, if you did.