Okay, something just isn't right about this tune. I listened to it live on Tuesday night, and was rockin' along with everyone else just fine. I woke up the next morning to find that all the dairy in my fridge had suddenly gone spoiled and my cat had been granted the ability to speak (albeit, with a French-Canadian accent). I knew something 'weird' was going on.
After a three hour consultation with
Evangelist Rev. Michael Plont, I decided to try and decode the evil messages in the new hit song "The World is in the Turlet".
Hear the reversed version here.Now, I don't know what kind of demon these guys are trying to invoke, or what the purpose of this auditory "spell" is, but I am for sure gonna be bathing in holy water for the next few weeks (just in case).
I can only make these messages out so far:
- at 8 sec, Tom states "as veal we'll make it"
- at 1min 49sec - "Mother there she is" and "If that heart is my valium"
- at 2min 34sec - 'Need expensive onions"
I'm scared, folks.
UPDATE: The good Reverand Plont just forwarded me this jpg, which apparently is an early draft of the artwork for the new TL/Rx album.