Author Topic: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...  (Read 2844 times)


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 802
Brooklynite Denied Iced Espresso, Media Firestorm Ensues

Ultimately, in this particular argument (and only in this particular argument), I gotta come down on the side of the customer.

(a few minutes later)...  You know, on second thought, I think I'm actually o.k. with the coffee shop refusing to bend on its policies.  I think the person who bugs me the most in this is the barista who felt the need to scold the guy doing the ordering as he handed him his drink.  It seems like he was the one to kick it into the realm of jerk-fest.  Like, alright - I get it - I appreciate what you're trying to do with the shop and the "art of coffee" - really, I do - but ultimately, it's a coffee shop - you make drinks for people to consume - when they've swallowed the coffee, your art goes down the gullet with it, and if it's not ultimately meant for the enjoyment of the customer (with the art of coffe, not Art in general), then start a school, not a shop.  So yeah - tell the guy that you're not going to make him an iced espresso, but when he back-doors you by asking for a cup of ice with his espresso, don't act like he's just told you he's about to go fleece a million GM workers out of their pensions, lie to the United Nations about Weapons of Mass Destruction, and make out with your grandmother, you know?

Now write me a receipt so I can tip on outta here...


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 263
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 09:30:47 AM »
TL, you should enforce a policy that you will not sell records to the ape-eared who will listen to them through iPods or any other less than perfect stereo system.
"My president is going to be one half Don West, one half the singer from Venom, thank you very much, good day sir!"

Pat K

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 722
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2008, 09:35:23 AM »
Ha, I used to live right by Murky Coffee. That place is so lame it hurts.
I'm warning you with peace and love.


  • Guest
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 09:52:27 AM »
Ha, I used to live right by Murky Coffee. That place is so lame it hurts.

Well they're certainly not cool.

A ha ha ha.

'Cause, you know, ice? And stuff? Coldness? No? Nobody?

gravy boat

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 898
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 10:01:33 AM »
Brooklynite Denied Iced Espresso, Media Firestorm Ensues
I think the person who bugs me the most in this is the barista

They all bug me but the person who bugs me the most is the owner who said in the follow-up interview that he would punch the guy in the dick "if his dick was big enough."  What are you, twelve?


Pat K

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 722
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2008, 10:05:44 AM »
but most people who bought them added milk to create a cheap "ghetto latte."

Usuing the term "ghetto latte" when your coffeeshop for rich people is only a couple short miles away from some horrifying actual ghettos = super Not Cool.


Using the threat "Punch you in your dick" = actually pretty funny.

So in the end, I'm torn.
I'm warning you with peace and love.

Son of Dorvid

  • Guest
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2008, 02:17:06 PM »
Ha, I used to live right by Murky Coffee. That place is so lame it hurts.

I live right by Murky Coffee now, and I pass it every day on my way to the superior Java Shack, where the baristas are very friendly.

Arlington Apologist,


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 1652
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2008, 06:03:19 PM »
Ha, I used to live right by Murky Coffee. That place is so lame it hurts.

Well they're certainly not cool.

A ha ha ha.

'Cause, you know, ice? And stuff? Coldness? No? Nobody?

Ice to see you, Emma.
"Son, there's a thin line between crazed and rabid"


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 557
Re: So many FWDs, so little time to read about them on the internet...
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2008, 06:10:50 PM »
I saw the ultimate coffee shop guy today- he wouldn't even speak to anyone until a lady came in asking for some Starbucks-type drink and his glare was insufficient.