On the chat.
So, it definitely sucks that Tom feels he has to recuse himself from the chat.
And I totally see his point. If 25 - 50 people were watching me work, and simultaneously commenting, often negatively, on what I was doing, I think I'd have a nervous breakdown. Tom held on, to his credit, for a long time.
And even further to his credit, he didn't shut the chat down, or act like a jerk about it.
"The Chat stays, I go."
The question is, is their a way for those who congregate in the chat to "self-police" back to a point of civility, or is it just a doomed process?
I would suggest a few rules, implemented successfully over the next few months, say, with Mike as a judge, could pave the way for a succesful re-integration of the Chat and the Best Show.
I don't know what those rules are, but I'd be more than happy to live by them.
What I think those rules are has to do with common courtesy, respect for each other, and respect for Tom for bringing it every week.
If that means banning, a dress code, etc., perhaps it's not such a bad idea.
I'm on plenty of other forums (mostly work-related) that limit things like language, politics, etc. Of course, there we're talking shop about technology or whatever, but no one breaks the rules, and if they do, they get removed. Pretty simple.
It's called courtesy. And I, for one, would like to start extending it!