Yeesh. Proud of America and ashamed of this guy. It's like the inverse of 2000!
Oh Ralphie ... you've hit your nadir. Brilliant man, and I wouldn't say that he's destroyed his legacy because of one stupid statement. But still ... jesus fucking christ, this guy is totally tone-deaf when it comes to interacting with other humans. If you want to be a politician, part of the job is being good with people. And having some fucking sensitivity about other people's feelings. Ralph scores 0 out of 100 on that one.
He should be working behind the scenes, working up position papers and plotting campaign strategy for a candidate who won't depress the hell out of everybody. I don't wanna see his sad-sack face on TV anymore.
There's a phrase I've seen in biographical sketches of Woodrow Wilson and other historical figures: "He loved humanity, but he hated people". That's Ralph. If you're in politics you have to have at least a little bit of the common touch, some good bedside manner. George W. was sort of a retarded caricature of the common touch but ... you know what I mean. Right?
Noam Chomsky also. Brilliant man, but what a cold fish. Has there ever been a colder fish than Noam Chomsky?