Last night I had a dream that I was taking a walk in a strange city I didn't live in, and I walked by a Catholic nursery school where, in my dream reality, I was friends with one of the nuns that ran the school. All the sudden this guy comes up in a cheap, tacky turquoise and leopard print track suit, and then I realize it's George W. Bush. He tells me that if I wanna help him out anytime with some projects, well, he can't say exactly but it could work out well for me in the long run. I start considering this, but figure being complicit in the schemes of the W is too low even for me. But anyway, in order to give me an idea of what he's talking about he tells me how he used to have a car with a sun roof and there was a period of time where he'd be sleeping in his car because he was on the outs with his wife, and I guess the car would be parked in George H.W. Bush's garage or something, and his dad didn't like to see him drunk or something, so he said that he got someone to build a two-tiered system of platforms and mirrors so that if you looked down through the sun-roof from above (like from H.W.'s bedroom window) it looked like the car was completely empty. ( "meanwhile I'd be sleeping in there in my underwear!" -the W.) So that was the kind of project he'd put me on if I wanted to help him out. He said something like "Stay in school" to one of the kids, and then walked off, looking more like a drifter than one of the most powerful people on Earth. I whispered to the kid "Hey! Can you keep a secret? That was the president of the United States, and he's out of his mind!"
I think this vision of the W. in my dream represents the future of the Republican party. Which is not to say they're not going to keep winning elections.
Just thought I'd share!