i'm a mccain supporter and a republican, but here's what i don't get... they go around telling us obama's a terrorist, but then act surprised when we get pissed off at him like we get pissed off at other terrorists. i mean, for fucks sake -- this whole war on terror, all we've been hearing is how terrorists are the ultimate evil who want to destroy america. mccain and palin then make it pretty clear that obama is a terrorist/terrorist supporter, and we're not supposed to be outraged? wtf? a terrorist bcoming president isn't enough to get you all riled up?!
whey the fuck didn't johnny mac take obama's terror loving ass to the floor during the debate? we can debate boring ass policy differences until the cows come home, but that debate could have been over in a second if he's just said 'yeah, yeah, yeah socialism is great, obama... now vote for me because i'm the only presidential candidate who is not a terrorist." you see how well that shit goes over in political rallies, right? now imagine if the rest of the country/world got a chance to hear that same info. debate over. campaign over. final score, america: 1, terrorist: 0.