Author Topic: Humorless Politics Thread  (Read 925759 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #840 on: October 26, 2008, 03:16:19 PM »
You know what I'd love to see? Trembling Eagle and Raad_Man in a slap fight Lincoln-Douglas style debate/Mixed Martial Arts bout set in The NonaOctagon.  Winner: everyone.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #841 on: October 26, 2008, 03:22:14 PM »
My money would be on Trembling Eagle.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #842 on: October 26, 2008, 03:44:18 PM »
hate, hate, hate.
Breakfast- I'm havin' a time
Wheelies- I'm havin' a time
Headlocks- I'm havin' a time
Drunk Tank- not so much a time
George St.- I'm havin' a time
Brenda- I'm havin' a time
Bingo- I'm havin' a time
House Arrest- I'm still havin' a time

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #843 on: October 26, 2008, 04:42:35 PM »

I know a gay Republican who is kind of the opposite of scared of big black guys.  And I'm pretty sure he is the kind of guy who read Hayek before going to sleep.  People are complicated.

Andrew Sullivan writes well about this particular brand psychological disorder

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #844 on: October 26, 2008, 07:05:51 PM »
and :41 secs in the entirety of republican politics for the past 50 years is summed up


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 309
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #845 on: October 26, 2008, 07:14:30 PM »
Even that psycho in Pittsburgh that deliberately created a race-baiting scenario... that had less to do with race than with trying to stop "liberals".

oh please

let's just ignore the entirety of American history.
Racism was just the vessel. The ultimate goal was to keep liberals from running the country. She didn't give a damn about a black man being President, but a liberal in charge scares the shit out of her and others like her. A man in Tennessee walked into a Unitarian church earlier this year and just started shooting people with a shotgun, and he did it because he thought liberals were destroying the country. I wish I could believe that it was a one-time thing, but I can't.

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #846 on: October 26, 2008, 07:27:29 PM »
Even that psycho in Pittsburgh that deliberately created a race-baiting scenario... that had less to do with race than with trying to stop "liberals".

oh please

let's just ignore the entirety of American history.
Racism was just the vessel. The ultimate goal was to keep liberals from running the country. She didn't give a damn about a black man being President, but a liberal in charge scares the shit out of her and others like her. A man in Tennessee walked into a Unitarian church earlier this year and just started shooting people with a shotgun, and he did it because he thought liberals were destroying the country. I wish I could believe that it was a one-time thing, but I can't.

to me it's just the cultural decedents of the confederacy (not even kidding)
their goal has always been to take control and dissolve the American Union
and they may get their wish yet


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #847 on: October 26, 2008, 09:13:17 PM »
I know a gay Republican who is kind of the opposite of scared of big black guys.  

This really made me laugh.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #848 on: October 26, 2008, 09:40:16 PM »
Even that psycho in Pittsburgh that deliberately created a race-baiting scenario... that had less to do with race than with trying to stop "liberals".

oh please

let's just ignore the entirety of American history.
Racism was just the vessel. The ultimate goal was to keep liberals from running the country. She didn't give a damn about a black man being President, but a liberal in charge scares the shit out of her and others like her. A man in Tennessee walked into a Unitarian church earlier this year and just started shooting people with a shotgun, and he did it because he thought liberals were destroying the country. I wish I could believe that it was a one-time thing, but I can't.

to me it's just the cultural decedents of the confederacy (not even kidding)
their goal has always been to take control and dissolve the American Union
and they may get their wish yet

Okay, that was a little scary. But not all Republicans are like that. However, most of the people I know who are Republicans are not voting this year because they're so pissed about Sarah Palin.

Regular Joe

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #849 on: October 27, 2008, 10:31:11 AM »
Okay, that was a little scary. But not all Republicans are like that. However, most of the people I know who are Republicans are not voting this year because they're so pissed about Sarah Palin.

To me, that's the primary scary thing about that video. All the intelligent, sensible republicans are now preparing themselves in a crash position, leaving all the zombies they inspired with their bullshit Regan centric rhetoric to roam the whole airplane, still angry and fear-drenched, but now with no even halfway sensible agenda to guide them. From a people whose modus operandi in the past has mainly been "kill em all and let god sort it out", it's more terrifying than any highly edited "Jaywalking" segment.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #850 on: October 27, 2008, 11:17:21 AM »
Ahhh poor Republicans who vote against their own interests. I always like to imagine them at their $9-an-hour ditch-digging job, contemplating their shitty education, no health insurance, no growth potential, no union to improve their standard of living... and they're thinking to themselves, "Socialists are ruining this country."


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 6112
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #851 on: October 27, 2008, 11:28:56 AM »
hate, hate, hate.
Breakfast- I'm havin' a time
Wheelies- I'm havin' a time
Headlocks- I'm havin' a time
Drunk Tank- not so much a time
George St.- I'm havin' a time
Brenda- I'm havin' a time
Bingo- I'm havin' a time
House Arrest- I'm still havin' a time


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 809
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #852 on: October 27, 2008, 11:43:03 AM »
Ahhh poor Republicans who vote against their own interests. I always like to imagine them at their $9-an-hour ditch-digging job, contemplating their shitty education, no health insurance, no growth potential, no union to improve their standard of living... and they're thinking to themselves, "Socialists are ruining this country."

Yeah, I always love this.  "They wanna take my money and give it to poor people".

Umm... no offense, but you ARE POOR.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #853 on: October 27, 2008, 11:56:19 AM »
Ahhh poor Republicans who vote against their own interests. I always like to imagine them at their $9-an-hour ditch-digging job, contemplating their shitty education, no health insurance, no growth potential, no union to improve their standard of living... and they're thinking to themselves, "Socialists are ruining this country."

Yeah, I always love this.  "They wanna take my money and give it to poor people".

Umm... no offense, but you ARE POOR.

That's the silver-lining to this global economic meltdown, I guess. The same idiots that carried Republicans on their shoulders for the past 25 years are now the ones melting down their gold teeth for grocery money.

I hope their lives get harder and harder and worse and worse and GOD DAMN IT I'M SO ANGRY. FUCK YOU GUYS.

daveB from Oakland

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #854 on: October 27, 2008, 12:04:42 PM »

I hate her, but now I kind of love her ... because she's going against McCain's handlers and doing whatever the hell she wants. She's gonna make sure the ship sinks. She's slashing the tires of the Straight Talk Express. She's a maniac! She don't care!

Quote from: article above
"She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone," said this McCain adviser. "She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else".

Wow. Someone in the campaign staff really, really doesn't like her. Throwing in that bit about "her family" ... that's pretty harsh.

Quote from: same article
But this source acknowledged that Palin is trying to take more control of her message, pointing to last week's impromptu news conference on a Colorado tarmac.

Tracey Schmitt, Palin's press secretary, was urgently called over after Palin wandered over to the press and started talking. Schmitt tried several times to end the unscheduled session.

Tee-hee! I love it!

"He didn't sound like a human when I was talking to him ... he sounded like a shape ... what's that shape of that building ... you know, where the Army lives?" -- Bryce, 11/24/2009