Speaking of Heart, I love love love their album "Dreamboat Annie" They're uncool right? See, I never really considered Elton John uncool, so my ideas of what's cool and what's not cool may be twisted.
I have a long list, which I'm sure I can't completely regurgitate here, but it includes:
Cher, no matter what era. Yes, that means I liked "Do You Belieeeeeve in Life After Love (after love after love after love")?
Meatloaf-Bat Out Of Hell
2 Avril Lavigne singles-"Girlfriend" and "I'm With You" (as in, I leave them on the radio when they come on)
Phil Collins, the singles.
Some Kelly Clarkson
Beyonce (is she uncool? Again, not sure)
Nine Inch Nails-Pretty Hate Machine. Plenty of cool people love this record but plenty don't, so I'm sticking it in here.
Tina Turner-Private Dancer
Christina Aguilera. I'm still not quite sure whether I like her music, or just her. Or neither. In any case, I'm intrigued.
Night Ranger
Some Rick Springfield
John "Couger" Mellancamp-the older singles.
Hmmm... After reading this list, I appear to have the musical taste of a time-travelling goth/gay biker who lives in Miami in the 1980's.