Cutout, I hugely appreciate your Smooth 'N' Mild responses, but showing this kind of patience and willingness to engage in dialogue is seriously going to endanger my dreams of being permaGOMP'd from the FOTrums and The Best Show as a whole.
Shall we summon The Great Crotchety One to arbitrate? I mean, not that each one of you who have responded didn't "bring the crotch," as the kids say, but I'm thinking that this mess requires no less than the presence of Poppa T.
I was all ready to reason with you, then I read this. How many times do you go back through your post and change your verbiage in an attempt to "funny it up"? I bet a lot. I also get the impression you are a white male who gets frustrated with black culture for reasons that have no impact on you personally, which does indeed makes you at least a little racist, regardless of this unrelated liberalism you proclaim. These are just tentative guesses however, not judgments.
Now my only halfway reasonable answer to your query is that names are as individualistic as any other outward attributes we assign to ourselves and our children, like haircuts or clothing. In that, it's something completely harmless and well intentioned that you really can't do much about, nor should you. Besides that, it's beyond none of your business what names people find worthy of embodiment, particularly if you aren't a part of the culture that doesn't have any problem with it at all. If you don't like it, you can go name your kid Bill and eat a bologna sandwich on a porch with it. In short: I may not like the purple satin drapes in your mom's house, but that doesn't mean I won't wipe off on them after sodomizing her, before sodomizing you, after you have both been beaten senseless by Trembling Eagle, while Jason watches all of it and writes a play about it. Because I have respect for your culture.
Now, if you were 100% kidding about all the things you said, then I have to agree with whoever said that this is just a tired, worn-out joke, which is no longer acceptable as "humor" for those reasons, so why hammer it home. Honestly, it never really was any good, aside from the 2 months in 1989 when the first woman named her baby Mylanta and comedians could get away with it for a brief moment before it became even more cliche than your resume.
Do take note; I made this post really long, even longer than my other long boring posts, to let you know what it feels like to read your own long, cringeworthy posts on this thread. You could learn a lot from some of the other weirdos who've become beloved around here, just clean it up a little bit, realize when you are bordering on hacky and tone it down some. Either that or just go ahead and push the arrow through and hope nobody dies from the blood loss.
What with the giant truck nuts on you, you could soon become someone I want to read more posts from! Right now, I don't like your tone. That's straight from the horses mouth (me being the horse in that scenario).
PS: I just looked at those articles that you posted, and am not surprised to find that one was basically just an opinion piece authored by some white guy (imagine that!), and the second was just an explanation that the story about the judge jailing a woman over naming her baby was a myth. Did you even read past the headlines?
The sole point made in the first article is based on a study that very bluntly decided sounding black on the telephone is a professional hindrance. This study had nothing to do with their names, or anything of the sort. Even though that study made a point I would not disagree with, it's a huge stretch to rope that guys call last week into this not even 'crypto' racist argument. J'accuse, sir, of posting nonsense articles to make your white supremacist point. For shame. I dare you to post a .jpg of yourself in your full KKK regalia and have done with it.