Taxi Driver: "Wait, who were you talking to again?"
Did you hear that DeNiro finally revealed where he got "You talkin' to me?" from?
Do tell.
Well, apparently, some interviewer asked DeNiro where he got the idea to do "you talkin' to me?" and DeNiro answered "Ask me in 25 years."
So, 2009 marks the 25th year, and I heard that the guy asked him again and he said that he was a huge Springsteen fan and had gone to see many Springsteen concerts. At a few of those concerts, The Boss would walk out on stage with the crowd cheering like crazy, and he'd do "You talkin' to me? I don't see anyone else here?" until the audience just worked themselves into a frenzy. And then he'd start the show. So, when DeNiro went to shoot that scene, he was tipping his hat to The Boss.
If I'm not mistaken, I heard this story from a recent interview with Clarence "The Big Man" Clemens on the Mark & Brian show out here in Lipstick City.