Gibson got a little too abstract for me. I had a hard time wrapping my head around his narratives because he wrote more about the physical sensations of what was happening, rather then whatever the hell was going on. Still good reads though.
The grand-daddy of the 90's tech sci fi would be Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash. It was way ahead of it's time and coined a lot of the language we use to talk about the internet. (Boy does it ever love language.) If you thought Gibson did too much of acid, holy crow, get a load of the beard on Stephenson.
For some really hard sci-fi, check out Stephan Baxter's Manifold series. I think Manifold: Space is the best and since they all stand on their own, none of them really relate to another. Read the three and you will probably put your head in an oven.
Niven & Pournelle's Mote In God's Eye & The Gripping Hand are terrible and should be avoided at all costs. Yes, they did the solor-sail crap first. Good for those two, they informed Count Dooku's dumb ship.
Nerd, nerd, nerd. That's all I have to say.