Author Topic: Omegle Transcripts  (Read 17791 times)


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3426
Omegle Transcripts
« on: March 30, 2009, 05:59:57 PM »
Stranger: hitler?
You: This is a dumb idea.
You: Yes, this is Mr. Hitler.
Stranger: whats a dumb idea Mr Hitler?
You: I would never allow a service like omegle in my thousand year reich.
Stranger: Oh fair enough bye HITLER!?!


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3426
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 06:26:10 PM »
Dude totally won this one.  I made the ASCII art smaller.

Stranger: hi
You: If I were in the desert, I'd probably give my horse a name.
Stranger: what
Stranger: ....
Stranger: name?
You: It felt good to be out of the rain.

Stranger: …………………………………………„„-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-„„
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  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3629
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2009, 06:26:27 PM »
You: Phil?
Stranger: do you have legs?
You: Cops man. They're after us.
Stranger: i know aye i full hear sirens nd shit
You: Meet me at 125th and Lenox in five minutes. bring duct tape
Stranger: ok but it will take me around 20b hours to get therte
Stranger: can u wait?


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3426
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 06:32:59 PM »
You: I love what newest in stores, albeit slightly aloof in my following of any modern clothing trend other that the ridiculously lost nature I find the person in the mirror wearing.
Stranger: talk to strangers
Stranger: wait
Stranger: what
Stranger: say it one more time
You: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Stranger: shit damn
Stranger: breathing manually
Stranger: the game
Stranger: :D
You: my wife’s shoes which are made to smell like fresh Urinal cakes
Stranger: u liek?


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 120
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2009, 06:44:45 PM »
Stranger: i got a letter from the government
Stranger: I opened it and read it
You: the other day?
You: what did it say?
Stranger: and it said they were suckas
You: what did they want?
Stranger: they wanted me for their army or whatever
You: what did you think?
Stranger: i said NEVER!

Denim Gremlin

  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 1040
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2009, 06:52:42 PM »
Stranger: hows it goinnnn?
You: ugh, I'm already tired of this.
You: later dude
I was the first guy in hardcore to whip people with his belt.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3629
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2009, 06:54:10 PM »
Clint's made me LOL.

EDIT: Actually, so did all of them. But especially Clint's.

Denim Gremlin

  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 1040
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2009, 06:57:24 PM »
this guy was pissed

Stranger: so...
You: i'm waiting
Stranger: how long have you been a /b/tard
You: 10 years
Stranger: o rly?
You: yes, rly
Stranger: it hasnt even existed for that long
You: i'm an early adopter
You: i was doing it before it was cool
Stranger: awesome
Stranger: what was the first meme then if youre such an early /b/tard?
Stranger: no time for gooling
Stranger: answer
Stranger: exactly newfag
I was the first guy in hardcore to whip people with his belt.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3629
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2009, 06:59:58 PM »
This Stranger had a one-track mind.

You: My name is Luca
Stranger: guy/girl?
You: I live on the second floor
Stranger: im a girl luca
You: I live upstairs from you
Stranger: i live in 1st so ur ontop of me
Stranger: i like that
You: Guess you never seen me before
Stranger: no
Stranger: how old r u
You: If you hear something late at night
Stranger: ill come up
Stranger: n u try it on me
You: Some kind of struggle, some kind of fight
Stranger: how big is urs
You: Just don't ask me what it was
Stranger: how big is ur dick


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 268
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2009, 07:09:40 PM »
Stranger: Hello
You: bleh
Stranger: well bleh to you too then


  • Guest
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2009, 07:49:19 PM »
I have a feeling I may regret posting this, but for the sake of Science:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: howdy stranger
Stranger: hey
You: what up, bro?
Stranger: haha, bro
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: the cable guy
You: i dunno, it's what folks say
You: not Larry, I hope.
You: that dude isn't even a Cable guy!
Stranger: no no
You: I got duped
Stranger: the james carrey version
You: I love watching M Broderick get tortured
Stranger: who doesn't.
You: Wargames was on last night. He was such a baby!
Stranger: broderick > 0 > all other things
You: he still carries a weight though. you can tell
You: a sadness
You: i don't think he ever forgave himself for that accident
Stranger: haha very true
Stranger: which accident?
You: He killed someone drunk driving in Ireland
You: maybe in the late 80s
Stranger: that's terrible
You: yeah, pretty brutal
Stranger: the irish!
Stranger: so irionic
Stranger: ironic*
Stranger: little broderick was the drunk one
You: I know, the blasted Celts!
You: okay, they say that he was just confused b/c of the right-left thing, but it's unspoken that he was drunk driving
You: so, where ya calling from?
Stranger: you?
Stranger: SW VA
You: Virginia is for Lovers!
You: I tell ya, once when I was a kid we were taking a car trip
You: and playing the license plate game
You: and I wrote down "Virginia", but spelled it wrong and got in trouble
Stranger: hahaha
You: i was 7, fer chrissakes!
Stranger: where are you from
Stranger: and virginia is hell
You: that's Dixie, ain't it?
Stranger: the whole area
Stranger: GA to VA to TN
You: don't know much about it, except that this band Avail is from Richmond
You: well, you can always leave if it's hell.
Stranger: richmond has so many bands
Stranger: not at the moment
Stranger: i've got another year of it
You: if not now, maybe later
You: finishing HS?
You: military?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: junior year, unfortunately
You: yeah, totally bolt outta there after graduation
Stranger: with all of those lost and hopeless party people
Stranger: nah, i'm not proud enough of the country for that
Stranger: i'm going to UVA and then doing two years abroad
You: well, SOME partying is good for ya
Stranger: which is funny.
Stranger: but living to party isn't good at all
You: college will be a world of difference
Stranger: these people are ridiculous
Stranger: i can't stand them
You: naw, if people are living to party and still in HS, they'll most like end up busted losers
Stranger: yeah
You: moderation!
Stranger: that's what it seems like
Stranger: i know most people who did that two years ago or so
Stranger: are still here
Stranger: still partying with high schoolers in their parent's basements
You: but, you gotta let loose sometime. for now it's time to hit the books
You: did you ever see the movie Dazed & Confused?
Stranger: i do let loose, but not with 70 people i don't like
Stranger: and no, it's one i havent
You: there's a funny character that Matthew Maconahey(?) plays who is the guy who has graduated and still parties with the HS kids
You: it's a funny movie, check it out
Stranger: Mconashoashgasheheaugh
You: yeah, stay away from 70 people that you don't like
Stranger: i've seen pretty much every mconcnghghgeahguygh
Stranger: i don't like them because they're all clones
Stranger: androids, even
You: and what're you? are you one of those "emo" folks?
Stranger: oh no, not at all
You: not making fun, just curious about subcultures
Stranger: i like to consider myself open minded
Stranger: despite how close minded that may be
You: that's the way to be!
Stranger: i'm not fit in any group
Stranger: and i isolate myself from most people, to make it easier on all of us for when i leave
Stranger: and dno't come back
You: well, that ain't cool
You: you can't isolate too much
Stranger: i've got a few close friends
You: i know people suck, but you gotta socialize a little
Stranger: but i don't want to be a people person
You: having a few close friends is key
Stranger: when so many people are barely even people
You: yeah, they're just going through the motions
You: don't garner too much contempt though. the world needs regular folks too
You: but trust me, there are far more idiots out there than you can ever imagine
You: but the cool folks pop up now and again
You: just don't go all trench coat mafia and you'll be okay
Stranger: i've realize there's definitely an imbalance between idiots and those who aren't quite so dumb
Stranger: haha
Stranger: very, very true
Stranger: i'm an approachable guy
Stranger: and i can hold a conversation easily
Stranger: with anyone, really
Stranger: but when i read people it's usually correct
You: you haven't just read Catcher In the Rye recently, have you?
You: it's a good book
Stranger: i haven't
Stranger: someone told me i should
You: well, when you get around to it
You: i'm not a big reader, but I dug that book
You: and Vonnegut too
Stranger: i did read island, by huxley, some nietzsche, reread choke, and then did a bit of vonnegut
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i was just typing vonnegut when i read that
You: that's pretty much the only stuff I could handle
You: Choke, huh?
You: NOW i'm seeing where you're coming from
Stranger: i've read sh5, breakfast, armageddon in retrospect, timequake, cat's, sirens of titan, the rosewater ones
Stranger: and what's that mean?
You: oh, i'm just kidding. Palahniuk is kind of Angry Young Man stuff
Stranger: haha no, choke didn't influence me much
Stranger: i absolutely loved fight club, though
You: but trust me, I loved Fight Club
Stranger: the movie is my favorite
Stranger: but palahniuk is too easy
Stranger: he writes for the lost teenager
Stranger: trying to give them direction
You: that stuff is a good launching pad for other things
Stranger: or that's what it's become
Stranger: since he started ca. 1996
You: but hey, reading ANYTHING is good. most kids are rotting away playing WOW
Stranger: haha, or suckin' dicks and gettin' drunk
You: forgive me when I say "kids"
You: whoa, bro: too much info
Stranger: it's a fitting word, no need to apologize
You: I don't even wanna know
Stranger: if it's fact it's fact
Stranger: that's what the other half does, generally
You: but if you are hip to that sort of writing, you'll meet some great people out there in the world
You: well, aren't there any cool chicks in your school at all?
Stranger: very, very true
Stranger: no, to be honest
Stranger: not the one
Stranger: there's not that cute intelligent girl
You: all the girls in my HS were so gross. we ended up just doing a lot of property damage
You: sometimes you gotta find people from other schools
Stranger: it takes an hour or so drive to do that
You: definitely in college, though
Stranger: which i've done
Stranger: but they're still few and far between
Stranger: oh, no doubt
Stranger: as long as it's not radford!
You: i don't blame ya. I drive down to nyc just to hang with a girl
You: yeah man fuck RADFORD
Stranger: yeah
You: what a shithole
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: I KNOW
Stranger: i'm about an hour and a half from there
You: those chicks are so busted down there in Radford
Stranger: southeast from it
Stranger: THEY ARE
Stranger: i'm glad
Stranger: that's where hte girls at my school go
You: i have no idea what you are talking about
Stranger: haha really?
You: so they go down to Radford to party?
Stranger: they go to radford to party
You: what's there, a 7-11 parking lot?
Stranger: that's their college of choice
You: oh i gotcha: college guys
Stranger: it's a college
You: lame
You: sounds very date-rapey.
Stranger: let me find some stat's to look at
Stranger: oh it is
Stranger: it definitely is
You: you gotta start a band, bro
You: that's the way to do it
You: you like music?
Stranger: haha i did some jam band shit for a while
Stranger: i'm a fanatic
You: like phish & widespread?
Stranger: from brianjonestown massacre, to glassjaw, to owen, to anything saddle creek
Stranger: i haven't ever listened
Stranger: what do they resemble
You: now you're talkng
You: fuck phish & widespread. those bands are for bozos
You: stick with the BJM
Stranger: haha
You: and other such stuff
Stranger: i love jonestown
Stranger: anton is the fucking man
Stranger: haha so like VU and BMRC
Stranger: is that where you're going
You: when you said "jam band", that's what I thought
Stranger: yeah man
Stranger: you thought right
You: Velvets are great. i was just rocking the banana album in the car
Stranger: a few friends of mine and myself just get together on occasion to put some shit on casette
You: you saw Dig! then, I take it?
Stranger: we've got like a whole band room of instruments
Stranger: it's on my desk
You: Anton is a fucking maniac
Stranger: as a matter of fact
You: well, you gotta start playing some shows out there!
You: get it together, bro!
You: then the LADIES will come. trust me
You: they love that shit
You: and, it's fun.
Stranger: nobody around here likes that
Stranger: the last shoegaze esque band died out
Stranger: check out the illicit
You: there have gotta be people putting on shows around
Stranger: the illicit, the young sinclairs
Stranger: those two are local/relatively local
Stranger: and there's no one for those shows
You: i think i may have actually heard of the young sinclairs
Stranger: we've got the shitcore and poppy stuff
You: maybe you gotta put on one yourself.
You: um, "Shitcore"?
You: is that a genre now?
Stranger: might as well be
Stranger: the vocals are shit
Stranger: and it's a core band
You: yeah, hardcore has gotten progressively stupider
Stranger: yes
You: but the essentials are still great: black flag, minor threat DKs
Stranger: i'm always going to love glassjaw
You: but this poseur bullshit they have now is soooo weak
Stranger: despite nothing else i listen to sounds like it
Stranger: i'll have my boy Daryl and his fellows
You: I think I may have seen them once
You: have you ever heard Quicksand?
Stranger: negative
You: check them out, they were one of the first post-hardcore
Stranger: listen to after the fall
You: I remember these dudes Glassjaw now
Stranger: yeah
You: weird. how'd you get turned onto these guys?
Stranger: i've listned to them since 2000
Stranger: onto GJ?
You: yeah, it just seems like such a small scene
Stranger: just what happened, i guess. i love the lyrics, it's so much emotion in it
Stranger: is proof it's not too small
Stranger: but it's not huge
Stranger: it's grown a lot of the years
You: you want emotion, you gotta check out Drive Like Jehu
Stranger: or Owen
Stranger: do you like devendra banhart?
You: i haven't heard much Devendra. i've always suspected he's a bit of a hippie
Stranger: i'm pretty sureh e is
Stranger: but he's better shaved
You: and I can't believe that dude is boning Princess Amadala
Stranger: i think he was
Stranger: but i'm pretty sure they broke up
Stranger: shortly before he shaved
You: you ever see that human giant with the record store?
Stranger: negative
Stranger: i'm sure i did
Stranger: but don't remember it
You: "Devendra Banhart is playing a concert a dumpster"
You: funny shit
Stranger: haha. i hate tvs that bring the out to the in
You: so what're you gonna study in College? any idea?
You: lemme guess: Bong Hits
Stranger: no, no
Stranger: creative writing/philosophy
Stranger: and i want to take the degrees and just write
You: there ya go
Stranger: and get a blue collar job in greece
Stranger: doing whatever
Stranger: and write when i get off
You: Greece? why Greece?
Stranger: i want a quaint house and a big dog
You: the women are the fucking bomb, i'll give you that
Stranger: i like the cyclades
You: but shit, that's like a 3rd world country
Stranger: it is
Stranger: i don't need money
Stranger: not an excess
You: i have no idea what cyclades are
You: well, fucking go for it then. you can pull it off
You: people are capable of doing all sorts of stuff. they just don't try
You: or are scared for bullshit reasons
You: work on a fishing boat all day and then drink Ouzo all night and play cards with old Greek dudes
Stranger: the cyclades are the isles in the aegean
You: or dominoes
Stranger: i want to get a fishing boat
Stranger: in all honesty
You: hey man, there's something to be said for that life
You: work a season on a fishing boat
You: they are always looking for guys
Stranger: it's on the mediterranean
Stranger: so the fishing is year round, really
You: nice. i wish i didn't hate the hot weather so much
Stranger: i hate it
Stranger: i always wear jeans
Stranger: always
You: all the beautiful places are hot
Stranger: i love the gold
Stranger: cold*
Stranger: because of my metabolism
You: well, Greece ain'd cold
Stranger: but i can tough it out if it makes for a good lifestyle
You: isn't
Stranger: haha
You: yeah, get a tan
Stranger: it's far from it
Stranger: but it's not humid either
You: i burn way too easy
Stranger: i'll be all proteiny too
Stranger: since i'll be eating fish
You: so you've been there?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: but eons ago
Stranger: i was 8
Stranger: it seems
You: well, save some dough and go back
You: finish up school and hit the road
Stranger: i hope to
Stranger: you don't need that much money if you travel smart
You: yeah, you can always sleep in doorways and camp out
You: i could never do that now
You: i'm old and need my comfort
You: i've become so pussified
You: but when yer young you can take that shit
You: and push yourself
You: did you see Into the Wild?
You: i just watched it.
Stranger: yes
You: pretty good, but that dude was a dope
You: but I did find the story interesting
You: just don't eat poison berries
You: ok broham, i'm gonna take off
You: good chatting w/ you
Stranger: alright man
Stranger: take care
Stranger: likewise
You: keep on truckin'
You: you'll do just fine
You: ciao
You have disconnected.


  • Guest
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2009, 07:57:50 PM »
Wait. To Hell with that last one. This one:

Stranger: hi
You: hello.
Stranger: what's your favorite letter?
You: Q
Stranger: mine is /b/
You: interesting. not co-dependent on vowels like me.
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: VAMPIRES


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 268
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2009, 08:03:56 PM »
You: heave ho


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3629
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 08:29:57 PM »
ktb, you are a hero.

I'm loving all of these.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 6214
Re: Omegle Transcripts
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2009, 08:36:55 PM »
Good stuff.  It's old, but the best one I've ever seen of these was the Space Robots one at the mostly crap but sometimes hilarious Something Awful.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!