Author Topic: Breaking Bad  (Read 95994 times)


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #390 on: September 16, 2013, 10:52:52 PM »
I thought Walt left Albequerque at the end of the episode.

The next episode is called "Granite State," which is New Hampshire.

The finale is called "Felina," which is Italian for cat-like (e.g., lands on one's feet?)

cavorting with nudists

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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #391 on: September 16, 2013, 11:04:23 PM »
You knew Walt and Jesse were going to make it out of that shootout unscathed, right?

Mike, would you say the inaugural volume of AP Mike's Book Club, "Methland" is a useful companion to the show?

Not at all. Methland is about the real world. Breaking Bad is a very entertaining B Western (this is my definitive critique--thank you for getting me here, cavorting).

Oh, just give it up, Mike. The only reason you think BB should pay more attention to the effects of Walt's product on its consumers is 'cause you thought the dude in Methland who saw heads hanging from the tree outside his window was hilarious. I see you, Man.


Hey Mike, name a B Western. I don't mean a Western that you would personally give a grade of "B," I mean a Western movie that meets the industry definition of a "B movie." That's something you should have a clear idea of if you're going to include it in your "definitive review" of something, right? Let's hear an example of what you're putting BB on a level with. No Googling!
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau

cavorting with nudists

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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #392 on: September 16, 2013, 11:17:57 PM »
I thought Walt left Albequerque at the end of the episode.

The next episode is called "Granite State," which is New Hampshire.

The finale is called "Felina," which is Italian for cat-like (e.g., lands on one's feet?)

Yeah, he did. He assumed a new identity with the help of Saul's guy--evidently in New Hampshire, because in the flash-forward he has NH license plates and a NH license under the name "Lambert." So it sounds like the next ep will detail his new identity and the finale will involve his coming back to--I dunno. I like cats!
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 574
Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #393 on: September 17, 2013, 01:36:13 AM »
Cats have nine lives.

Was that actual footage from the first season back in the trailer or was that filmed this season with them wearing wigs?

I too think the Walt/Hank dynamic was over-dramatic and out-of-character-- Walt defending Hank's dignity ("His name is Hank"), Walt getting to hear Hank show him respect ("You're the smartest man I know..."), Walt's despair, his cold-hearted confession to Jesse about Jane and his killer stare after.  Other than that I think the show was emotionally true. 

And Todd's real motive for taking Jesse with him was to make him cook.  Properly. Make it blue again.  For Lydia.  Cherchez la femme. 

PS Is this the latest into a show with opening credits? 23+ minutes w/o commercials.
Vandalism! Sick vandalism! When I get my hands on the little punks I'm gonna hang them by their Buster Browns!


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #394 on: September 17, 2013, 08:10:05 AM »
PS Is this the latest into a show with opening credits? 23+ minutes w/o commercials.

Yeah, seriously! I thought they were the end credits for a moment when they finally started.


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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #395 on: September 17, 2013, 09:52:28 AM »
I thought Walt left Albequerque at the end of the episode.

The next episode is called "Granite State," which is New Hampshire.

The finale is called "Felina," which is Italian for cat-like (e.g., lands on one's feet?)

He did.

But in the flash forward at the beginning of the season, Walt was back in Albuquerque.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #396 on: September 17, 2013, 10:13:32 AM »

1) What will Walt do with all the weapons he bought in the flash forward?

2) Whom is the ricin meant for?

3) Who dies in the next two episodes?

4) At the end of the series, who, if anyone, ends up with Walt's $11M?
Ever do nothing and gain nothing from it?
Ever feel stupid and then know that you really are?
Ever think you're smart and then find out you aren't?
Ever play the fool and then find out that you're worse?


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #397 on: September 17, 2013, 10:24:11 AM »

1) What will Walt do with all the weapons he bought in the flash forward?

2) Whom is the ricin meant for?

3) Who dies in the next two episodes?

4) At the end of the series, who, if anyone, ends up with Walt's $11M?

1) I'm assuming the Nazis will kill Marie to obtain Jesse's confession tape (and possibly kill Skyler to tie up loose ends), and Walt will want to take them out as revenge.

2) Difficult to know. Maybe Gretchen and Elliott?

3) Uncle Jack, Todd, Lydia, Jesse, Walt, Marie, and maybe Skyler.

4) No one.
Ever do nothing and gain nothing from it?
Ever feel stupid and then know that you really are?
Ever think you're smart and then find out you aren't?
Ever play the fool and then find out that you're worse?

cavorting with nudists

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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #398 on: September 17, 2013, 11:19:36 AM »

1) I'm assuming the Nazis will kill Marie to obtain Jesse's confession tape (and possibly kill Skyler to tie up loose ends), and Walt will want to take them out as revenge.

I don't think Walt would put himself in that much danger to avenge Marie.  Skyler maybe, Walt Jr. definitely.  In any case it's seeming very probable to me that he's taking that gun to meet with the Nazis--maybe to avenge somebody, maybe to get his 69 million bucks back, maybe because he just doesn't like them.

Dunno about the ricin, but Lydia seems like a good target--not sure about a motive though.
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #399 on: September 17, 2013, 11:21:32 AM »
I think Walt will live. He won't have all the money. His cancer will come back. At the end of the series, he will be at the same place he was when it started, possibly with less than he had before (e.g., Skylar will be killed or his family will leave him.)


  • Tattoo Addict!
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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #400 on: September 17, 2013, 11:28:07 AM »
I think Budd Boetticher's Westerns would make a nice comparison, cavorting. Although some are considered classics now (especially the films with Randolph Scott), they weren't thought of as classics when they were released. They're not particularly groundbreaking, but they are very entertaining. I think the reason Breaking Bad is so overpraised is because the landscape has changed. Most movies and television shows are complete junk now--they're not made for adults, they're made for children and idiots (anyone see Under the Dome last night? Painful. The only reason I watched was because I thought Tom and I could joke around about it, but even that ran out of gas).

I recently watched John Huston's The Night of the Iguana again. I forgot how nuts that movie really was. But as I was watching, I was thinking it felt like something from another planet. I couldn't even imagine a movie like that getting made today. Can you imagine a director like John Huston, who relied on literary works for most of his source material (Fat City, Wise Blood, Under the Volcano, Moby Dick, The Dead, etc.), working today? Instead we have to be thankful for a few morsels that don't insult our intelligence (like Blue Jasmine, a sort of watered down version of A Streetcar Named Desire for our times. And Mad Men. And Breaking Bad).
See God, Kai


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 574
Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #401 on: September 17, 2013, 12:06:52 PM »
Cavorting, in the voice of Season 3ish era Walt to your Jesse Pinkman, don't read the post above this!  For god sake's use reason, can't you see he's trying to hook you in!?! ***aside: if only I can make him see it from a logical perspective***

In the voice of Mike Ehmantraut "Walk away kid"
Vandalism! Sick vandalism! When I get my hands on the little punks I'm gonna hang them by their Buster Browns!


  • Policemans heel
  • Posts: 72
Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #402 on: September 17, 2013, 01:16:56 PM »
For god sake's use reason, can't you see he's trying to hook you in!?!

B_Buster's b_busting skills are at an Olympic level.

cavorting with nudists

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Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #403 on: September 17, 2013, 02:44:18 PM »
Nah, that wasn't a provocative post.  At least Mike said something concrete rather than picking some absurdly not-the-point nit, as if those of us who like the show are suckers somehow because we thought they were talking at an appropriate volume level, and I don't disagree all that much except that I am decidedly not thankful for Woody Allen.

Anyway, this:

Everybody dies...except Walt.

really made me laugh when Steve of Bloomington posted it, but it's beginning to seem more and more plausible.
"Another thing that interests me about The Eagles is that I hate them." -- Robert Christgau


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 238
Re: Breaking Bad
« Reply #404 on: September 17, 2013, 03:36:26 PM »
This week's outlook on Walt killing his entire family: