Let me tell you about this guy Pete. Out of the goodness of his heart, he decided to send me free comics but sadly had them returned due to a shipping error. Pete contacted me then, saying they had come back, and I told him "please don't sweat it, it's the thought that counts." For anyone else, that would have been enough to get them off the hook. Was it that way for Pete? Hell no. Pete, in all his infinite glory, instead tried AGAIN to send me the comics, this time succeeding. When they arrived just today, I immediately knocked the postman out with the brick they had formed, and rushed here to say THANK YOU PETE! You are truly one heck of a guy.
PS: I just opened it, and these are not lame comics. These are ALL top notch works! Eightball, Grendel, the list goes on! Wow Pete. THANKS AGAIN!