now I'm real fast
Let me tell you what I think of this 'a come to pass.
My name is Geek I put 'em on as a shocker
Man, I love these BluBlockers!
Everything is clear, they block out the sun.
Oh yeah, I gotta get me some.
Everything is groovy now I'm not pulling my speech.
This is what I do up and down Venice Beach.
My name is Geek I'm more than a hip-hopper
And I'll be 'chic' in my BluBlockers! Yeah... now what my mean
Yep these sun glasses are really really keen.
So there you have it folks
Out there in TV land.
Get you some glasses..
They're sweeping the land.
Remember what I said "now I'm a hip hopper"
Yeah go get you some BluBlockers.
Um, now yep its sweet
I'll see you later I gotta make some money on the beach.