There's an entire chapter dedicated to Billy Ray Bates and his impact on the PBA. And, not just that, there are tons of tales about his insane drinking and womanizing. He's one of the true tragedies in US sports history.
For those who aren't familiar, Billy Ray grew up in rural Mississippi as poor as possible in the US. He however was as close to being a natural at basketball as possible. He ended up at Kentucky State and played their but was allegedly completely illiterate. He played in the late, great Continental Basketball Association (One of the all-time amazing fly-by-night minor leagues. They had a dunk contest one year which I need to see if it's on YouTube. There was this one guy who did this dunk where he did a cartwheel with the ball in his hand, stumbled awkwardly and then failed a one hand dunk from two feet while paused. This was later repeated by JR Rider in the NBA dunk contest).
He led the CBA in scoring and ended up on that Portland team that's covered in Breaks of the Game and written about incessantly by Bill Simmons. He emerged out of nowhere as a terrific player and averaged over 25 a game in a playoff series which gave him the nickname as "The Legend." But he had a crazy drinking problem and ended up crashing out of the league until he bounced around international leagues (back before you could really do that) until he became arguably the best foreign player in Phillipines history, scoring over 60 points in his first game.
He ended up drinking his way out of that league. And then he ended up holding up a gas station in Camden with a knife and served 7 years. He now supposedly bounces between group homes and the like in Jersey's dicier neighborhoods.