Because I'm a compulsive lunatic, I just looked up "Lincoln Logs" online, having made a note to myself to do so after watching the latest episode. And I think it's pretty funny (though I derived some odd comfort from the proof that I am not alone in my nuttiness) that the first several hits all related to posts on various Sopranos message boards, where mystification about these peculiar sandwiches abounds. Many people were very disturbed at the idea of Carmela assembling such a nasty little sandwich. And not a one observed that she was specifically preparing something to appeal to her poor little son, and so it was reasonable that she chose some yucky childhood comfort food that would appeal to his depressed tastebuds.
And speaking of AJ, anyone else out there disappointed that he failed? I actually cheered when I saw what he was doing. Should've known he screw it up.
This is what I'd like to wee in the final episode: All the characters gather together at a restaurant for some massive celebration. At the height of the festivities, someone fire-bombs the joint. In the last shot, we'll see them all writhing in agony, their worthless bodies engulfed in flames, their mouths contorted as they scream various labored malapropisms at each other.
P.S. Why can't I use the spoilers feature, Jason?