Author Topic: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?  (Read 20076 times)


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #165 on: April 30, 2011, 12:19:55 AM »
This show only gets better and better as it goes on. I can't watch slowly anymore. So I'll blurt out my thoughts, cryptically, but give no spoilers.
Cinematic TV meets soap opera with more mystery and violence.  Pretty complex show to run without the pre-episode recaps that are standard fair for tv today; I think we viewers have gotten stupider, or are treated stupider, or have been made stupider by excessive recaps and movie trailers that give the movies' plots away. (Must be all that fluoridation poisoning in the water.) 
 Audrey is amazing! 
 Denise, oh my, "I still put my panties on one leg at a time!!!"  What a great line.
 The owl lamp.
The mention of the Blue Book project. Has anyone else read Leslie's Kean's book? 


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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #166 on: May 18, 2011, 09:32:52 PM »
Finished watching Twin Peaks tonight.  This was the first time I've re-watched it since it originally aired. In retrospect, I don't think I watched all of Season 2 the first time around. I think I bowed out after David Duchovny showed up in a dress and, it could be argued, it became a different show (up until the great finale, that is). Post-Leland, the show went for a broader comic feel and maybe that's why it lost some fans (plus, some of the story lines fell a little flat, e.g. James & the femme fatale, Ben Horne's Civil War obsession, Nadine's superhero strength, etc.). All these years later, though, it still stands as one of the best things television has ever done. Thanks for motivating me to crack open that box set that's been sitting around for years. I encourage everyone who hasn't seen it to take the plunge. It's certainly worth your time.
See God, Kai

Rick in Salt Lake

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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #167 on: May 18, 2011, 09:36:58 PM »
And I'm not sure what you thought, Mike, but I still think the final episode is among the two or three best episodes of "Twin Peaks". Especially the final minute or so...
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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #168 on: May 18, 2011, 09:41:44 PM »
Definitely, Rick. And it's no surprise that David Lynch directed that episode. Actually, all of the episodes Lynch directed stand out as the best for me.
See God, Kai

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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #169 on: May 18, 2011, 11:01:20 PM »
I, too, just recently finished the series. Overall it was fantastic and I thought the final episode was amazing. However, the back part of season 2 post Leland was just intolerable to me. Those ten or so episodes felt like they lasted for months to me. I could barely get through them, honestly. I've seen people try and defend those episodes but in my mind they are some of the worst TV I've ever seen. Which is quite an accomplishment when you think about it: to be a series that contains both some of the best TV ever made and some of the absolute worst. Very yin and yang. I think Agent Cooper would appreciate the duality of it. Probably Lynch too.


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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #170 on: May 19, 2011, 02:55:01 PM »
I also have problems with the post-Leland episodes. I wouldn't say the show turned completely "bad," per se; it's more like it turned into something that, if I hadn't already known that the show was capable of greatness, I wouldn't watch at all. Mike's right that the comedy really overtook the show for about 4-5 episodes, and the underlying sense of menace that had previously made the show so great was missing entirely. Which wouldn't be so bad if the comedy was good enough to make up for it, but I thought all the comedy stories - Little Nicky, Super Nadine, Ben Horne's Civil War obsession - were pretty much clunkers.

It felt like the only dramatic arcs the series was dealing with for a while were James' weird out-of-town affair and the Josie/Thomas Eckhardt stuff, and I had to struggle to care about either one. Jacques Renault was a pretty unremarkable villain. I know some think that the series started to pick up again once Windom Earle entered the scene, but I was never able to go for him, either. Too whimsical and cartoony to really feel like a menace. Really, those disguises? Terrible. (The Log Lady one was pretty good, though.)

Also - and I may lose a lot of people on this - I hate how the show expanded on the mythology behind the Black Lodge. Of course, the scenes that take place in the Black Lodge are the show's definite highlights; I just don't like how they explained exactly what it is, how it can be entered, what's inside it, etc. They completely sapped the thing of all its mystery. And honestly, most of the mythology surrounding the White/Black Lodge is really kind of dumb. It's standard heaven-and-hell/purgatory stuff, which just feels too pedestrian for a series as original as TWIN PEAKS was at it's best.

Generally, I feel that the further the show got from the ultra-realism of the first season, the worse it got. The first season, despite the Red Room sequence in Episode 2 (which was itself a dream sequence), is played completely straight. There were always hints of the unreal (Cooper's rock-throwing intuition display, the visions of Bob, etc.), but they never overpowered the physical world. It was when these concepts that were only hinted at in the first season became concrete in the second that the show started to go downhill, I think.

Really, I don't like that the Black Lodge is a real place that you could visit. I don't like how Bob is an actual spirit that can possess people. These things had much more power as abstractions. Lynch is a master at throwing in the kinds of things that, even though they're never explained fully, you get a kind of understanding of what they are and what they're supposed to mean. And when Lynch left the series, the writers fell over themselves trying to fill in the blanks and explain things that Lynch himself didn't even have an explanation for. And really, the series would've been better off if we never knew any of it.

But none of this takes away from just how incredible TWIN PEAKS was at its pinnacle. The first season is a near-flawless streak of greatness. (I have some problems with the "Laura's funeral" scene, but whatever.) All of the Lynch-directed episodes in Season 2 are terrific. In particular, I think the episode where the identity of Laura's killer is revealed is the series' undeniable high point. (Trying not to say 'peak' too much.) I was blown away by how amazing Ray Wise is in pretty much every scene he's in. Why the series killed him off, I'll never understand. That's another thing: I know ABC pressured Lynch and Frost to reveal Laura's killer, but I don't see why they actually had to CATCH the killer so soon afterwards. I think they could've gotten some more mileage out of that post-reveal shock.

This post is too long, so I'll quickly note that I also watched FIRE WALK WITH ME and thought it was absolutely terrific. Definitely one of Lynch's best, and better than all but the very greatest moments of the series.
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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #171 on: May 19, 2011, 04:36:26 PM »
I think I agree with just about every word of that post, except that--admittedly, not having watched them in a long time-- I do remember the post-Leland episodes (always excepting the mighty finale) as just downright bad.  Another real low point: the "Miss Twin Peaks" contest plot thread--I mean, yuck.  And Windom Earle might have worked; the foreshadowings of his appearance promised something good in the hinted backstory between him and Cooper. But somebody blew it badly when they decided that what jokes are to the Joker, chess would be to Windom Earle. Chess is pretty much the epitome of mathematical reason, a really bad fit for the non-linear, surreal world you kept wanting the series to carry you off to.
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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #172 on: May 19, 2011, 10:31:06 PM »
I'm about 6 episodes from the end of my first viewing. I pretty much echo the sentiments about the post-Leland episodes. I will add that the exceptionally poor casting of the James and Josie roles really does not help the already anemic storylines.

I'm still having trouble seeing Michael Ontkean and not immediately thinking "Ned Braden!"
I'll probably go into the wee hours.

Big Plastic Head

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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #173 on: May 20, 2011, 10:52:39 AM »
I'm about 6 episodes from the end of my first viewing. I pretty much echo the sentiments about the post-Leland episodes. I will add that the exceptionally poor casting of the James and Josie roles really does not help the already anemic storylines.

I have two episodes left. Same thoughts here about post-Leland episodes. I thought Josie and that whole story line was a snooze. I really disliked her character.

That second season arc with James was horrible. And I am in the same camp as cavorting with nudists & Matt on Windom Earle. He's a good idea but the character seems horribly realized. "Too whimsical and cartoony" indeed.
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  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #174 on: May 20, 2011, 06:36:45 PM »
I can't stand Nadine's storyline.  *...maybe actual spoiler alert this time?*  She takes a bunch of pills and then wakes up with amnesia and superpowers?  So... let's send her to high school and everyone will be ok with this?

Also, the storyline with Andy, the doofus cop, Dick, the uptight fancy pants guy, and fake Victoria Jackson...


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Re: Shall we all (re)watch Twin Peaks together?
« Reply #175 on: May 29, 2011, 10:29:07 PM »
One of my favorite Peaks-related "Hey it's that guy" moments is seeing The Searchers for the first time and recognizing the elderly waiter from the Great Northern as Mose.

This happened to me in reverse.
I'll probably go into the wee hours.


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