Please Christina, do share some of those.
Also, thanks for posting. Got about 8-9 minutes in, then realised it was clearly NSFW, then thought, I wish she warned me, then I realised it's Juggalos and I shoulda known that already
HA-that is totally what I thought the second after I hit POST: "Should I have said NSFW? No, they know, if only for the language."
Some of my choice fave lines were:
*The guy who went on and on about what a good cook he was & he listed the things he excels at - basically the contents of a 10 piece Chicken Dinner at KFC ... fried chicken, biscuits, etc etc. Somehow this came from "Family, woop woop". I'm not sure how. Of said family, he also had this to say: "That shit made me the motherfucker I am today."
*The guys spray-painting each other's faces WITH ACTUAL CANS OF ACTUAL SPRAY PAINT.
*One of the seven billion guys sitting around in those lawn chairs, can't remember which, who said "the whippets don't stop".
*Some guy on how overblown the Juggalos' reputation is: "We can party and still maintain ourselves appropriately". Standing next to him was a completely naked chick.