Sorry to clog the thread but a few more moments:
The part in Under Pressure when Freddie bursts "GIVE OURSELVES ONE MORE CHANCE!" I know Tom awarded Bowie that victor but I could not disagree more. Freddie rules over all. He's the greatest frontman who ever lived and second place isn't even really close. Queen at Live Aid, too.
The little drum solo/roll in September Gurls.
The beginning bird synth noise in Love ---> Building on Fire by The Talking Heads
The opening line of London Calling. Man, I wish I was a teenager when that album came out because hearing that on vinyl must have just blown minds. Side 2 of that album is also the greatest. Lost In The Supermarket comes close to Another Girl.
For more contempoarary stuff:
The guitar screech on Jawbreaker's Boxcar.
The fade on The Queers' I Can't Get Over You.
The opening riff to The Good Life by Weezer.