I'll just quote myself from the General Movie Thread: 'I agree with the general consensus that it's another very strong effort from Payne, and I would even say it's probably his best film. The scope of feeling is greater than he's achieved before and I didn't feel that he was scoring cheap shots off the secondary characters as much as he has in the past. And the themes having to do with the two story threads (the wife's affair and the land sale) are tied together in subtle but moving ways.'
Maybe that last statement was a bit vague... what I mean is I thought the questions it raises about what you owe your family, and the idea of family as something you can't escape from for good and ill, though sappy, were expressed beautifully. I will admit, on the other hand, that it's not really all that funny, but then I never found Payne's movies larf-out-loud hilarious. I always found them kind of dyspeptic. And George Clooney was definitely not the ideal choice to play this particular lead, though I thought he did an admirable job.