Just using the shows labeled "No archive" on your site not included in the spreadsheet that I can find a reference for:
February 8, 2005: A Guy From The Band Old Skull Calls In. Philly Boy Roy Post-Superbowl Defeat. Petey's Grandmother Cries. And Talk Of The Spectacular 'Puppy Bowl'!
January 18, 2005: Back With A Bang! One Of Tom's Buddies Mistakes Him For Another Friend. Skag Winesack Checks Back In. Cleaning House In The '05. And Bill Goffrier From Big Dipper Finally Calls! The Reunion Is Starting To Take Shape!
December 14, 2004: An In-Studio Appearance By The Great Todd Barry. And An Outrageous Phone Call From Hippy Businessman 'Hippy Johnny'. A Great Show, If I Do Say So Myself. And I'm My Harshest Critic.
September 4, 2001: Tom Talks To The Coolest Guy On Earth, And Tom Talks To Roger Tamblyn, Manager Of Bands Like The Inspiral Carpets And Gaye Bikers On Acid. Also, Tom Talks To Today's Youth About Returning To School.
January 23, 2001: A Chat with Maurice Kern, Head of Citizens For A True Democracy.