Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.
I can't even begin to explain what this feels like as a sports fan. You've probably heard by now about how La Salle hasn't been in the NCAA Tournament since 1991. I went to probably every home game when I was an undergrad (and for the first two years, our games were played about 10 miles from campus and I didn't have a car) and 85% of their home games since I moved back to Philly in 2004.
The absolute lowest point of the team came two seasons ago. Our team was filled with a bunch of unrepentant ballhogs who would bicker on the court and a coach who would have to be restrained from physically assaulting his charges. It was awful. The lowest moment came when we lost to Towson State, who then went on to lose like 35 games in a row or something along those lines.
I was just about ready to give up following the team. But I couldn't because I really wanted to have a moment like this. It's the best I've ever felt as a sports fan.
Jerrell Wright's great. Out of all the players to come up money at the FT line, he's the least likely candidate. He was the first player to come into the theater where they showed the Selection Show to celebrate with the students and alum. Afterwards, he was climbing a tree. My buddy is a professor and had him in class and said he's great -- a really big, sweet kid who is really funny.
BTW, you may have seen that guy in gold and glitter at our games. Since we don't have a huge fan base, everyone has been puzzled as to who this guy is. It finally go tunearthed -- he's an alum who is a Lieutenant Colonel for the Joint Chief of Staff.