You changed the subject of this thread from "@midnight - Tom Scharpling, Jon Wurster, and Chris Gethard on the panel" to "@midnight -
will Tom Scharpling, Jon Wurster, and Chris Gethard
be on the panel
?" after my first reply, so originally you weren't asking what fans thought but speculating. And considering that Tom has nothing to promote; that he has railed against the show numerous times on the popular social networking and microblogging platform Twitter; that he skewered Chris Hardwink constantly during the audio collages, during other parts of earlier Best Show episodes, and on podcast appearances; and that he has an aversion to physical performance, saying in
a 2006 interview with Ben Kharakh that, "The couple of times I've gone onstage, I've realized that that's where I'm meant not to be. I get really uncomfortable and it's just not fun for me . . . I'm just not comfortable onstage"; yes, I agree that it is possible, would be cool, and could happen.